First Concert Pt. 1

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Emma's P.O.V. Charlie, 4

"We're almost there, I promise," I tell Charlie who's extremely antsy sitting in her car seat.

"I so excited!" she squeals, her cuteness making Jeff smile from the driver's seat. He picked us up from the airport and now we're on our way to Harry's show and Charlie's first ever concert.

"I know, I'm so excited too! We're going to have so much fun watching Daddy and then we'll get to see him after the show," I just hope she doesn't fall asleep...

"YAY!!!!!" She squirms around in her seat, almost losing a grip on her frog.

A few minutes later, we're entering the parking garage and I have to stop Charlie from unbuckling her seat belt too early.

"Charlie, wait until we're parked. You know better," I tell her, and her face turns red from embarrassment. I know she's ready to see Harry, but she can stay buckled for one more minute.

"Okay, we're going to go potty first, but we have to be quick because the show is going to start soon," I explain as I help her out of the car seat and into my arms to carry her.

"I don't have to potty," she shakes her head.

"Just try please," I say and thankfully she doesn't argue back.

Jeff goes to get Charlie's personalized headphones and we meet up outside the arena doors.

I help Charlie put on the sparkly yellow headphones with sunflowers on either side, and then we enter the arena.

The fans quickly recognize us, and I watch Charlie as she waves to them all, smiling so hard I fear her teeth will fall out. She giggles when a group yells, "We love you, Charlie!"

"Where is Daddy?" she questions, standing on my lap so she can see the stage.

"He'll be up there any second," I tell her just as Bukowski's poem Style starts.

The fans scream when they finally see Harry, but they're nowhere near as loud as Charlie. I'm not looking forward to her complaints about a sore throat tomorrow, but at least she's having fun now.

"MUMMY!! IT'S DADDY! HE WAVE TO ME! HE CAN SEE ME!" Charlie yells, turning her head backwards to look at me, and then forewords to see Harry again. I saw it too, as did the fans, when Harry looked directly at us, waving and blowing kisses aimed for Charlie.

Charlie has been practicing every day leading up to the show, so she knows all the words as we both sing along. About four songs in, I tell Charlie we're going to move to be closer to the stage for a little bit. Harry told me he wanted her to see up close, but I'm sure he has something else up his sleeve too.

She gasps and while Harry takes a moment to talk to the crowd and we make our way to the front of the stage between the crowd and the catwalk.

Harry stops to give us a smile and wave when he sees us standing there, and then grabs his guitar to play in the next few songs.

"I have a very, very special guest here tonight," he starts and the crowd cheers, "Well, two special guests, but for one of them it's her very first concert. As you all know, I took some time off from performing to be with my family, and tonight I've brought my lovely wife Emma and our daughter Charlie."

"That's me!" Charlie says, and a few fans around us laugh and aw.

"Yes, that's you Bean," Harry chuckles, "I haven't played this next song in a while, but tonight is very special to me, so here's Sweet Creature."




I wrote this right after the first show of hslot because I am petty and mad that Harry didn't do Sweet Creature or TBSL. I hate him. Unstan.

Charlie Robin Styles [Addition to We're Having Our Baby]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin