That's My Jumper!

794 14 2

Harry's P.O.V. Charlie 17, Sophia 8, Avery 5


"Yes?" Em answers from the laundry room.

"Have you seen my orange stripped jumper?" I ask as I walk into the room. "I've looked everywhere for it, and I can't find it."

"Didn't you have that problem with that green one not too long ago?" She points out.

"Yeah, what the hell?"

"What the hell, Daddy!" Avery pops up from behind Em. I didn't notice him there, otherwise I would have watched my language better.

"Avery don't repeat things Daddy says. That's an adult word." I mouth sorry to her and then she proceeds to look through the pile of laundry that's just been taken out of the dryer.

"It wouldn't be in there because it needs to be air dried," I tell her.

"Then you look for it, Harry. I haven't seen it, sorry. You've been missing a lot of sweaters recently, so what I think you're actually losing is your mind," she stands with a basket on her hip and Avery follows her out of the room with his thumb in his mouth.

I search through the laundry room with no luck. I do find a purple jumper that I didn't know was missing. It was hanging all by itself on the drying rack. Weird.

I'll have to ask Charlie and Logan if they've seen it. They each do their separate laundry though, so I'm sure they would know if they had it.

"Em, when is Charlie's date?" I find her in Avery's room where he helps her put away his clean clothes.

"She's not leaving until 7. She should still be here, why?"

"I was just going to ask if she's seen the jumper. I wanted to wear it tomorrow for Jimmy Kimmel."

"I think she's still in her room."

I walk down the hallway until I get to Charlie's room, and I knock on the door.

"Just a second!" she yells from the other side. "Okay come in."

"Charlie, have you- What the hell are you wearing!? That's my jumper!" I have to laugh when I see the jumper I've been looking for on my daughter. It looks oversized but she's tucked it into some jeans.

"Do you mind if I wear this?" She asks, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Well, I would have appreciated a little warning. I came in here to ask if you've seen it. I wanted to wear it tomorrow night."

"Looks like you have to find another one to wear, sorry! I've gotta go now. I have a date," she smiles and skips past me, down the stairs, and to the door near the garage where her car keys hang.

"Wait a minute," I hold my hand out to stop her. "Have you been stealing all my jumpers?"

"Not all of them. Just the ones I like. Don't worry, I don't put them in the dryer," she tells me and reaches for the handle.

"I'll buy you some of your own if you want," I suggest.

"No, I don't want new ones. I like yours," she looks at me.

"Fine, whatever. Hey, don't do anything crazy. Don't get into trouble," I warn her before she leaves.

"No promises, Dad. I'm planning on drinking lots of alcohol, doing a lot of illegal drugs, and having lots of unprotected sex tonight," she winks.

"Lalalalalalalala," I plug my hears and walk away. I know she just making a joke, but I could have gone my whole life without hearing my kid say that.

Charlie Robin Styles [Addition to We're Having Our Baby]Where stories live. Discover now