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Emma's P.O.V. Charlie 9, Sophia 5 months

"Darling," Harry gets my attention one night while we're watching "adult" tv because the girls are finally in bed.


"I've been thinking about Charlie's birthday, and I want to do something special for her. She's turning 10, which is kind of a big deal."

I don't know where he's going with this, but at the same time I know exactly where this conversation is going. This is how Harry gets me to agree to his over-the-top, extremely expensive plans. Don't get me wrong, 10 is a big birthday, but it's not that special. Maybe if she was turning 13 or 16, I'd be more open to his ideas, but this one better be good and cheap in order to get me on board.

"What do you have planned?" I sigh.

"How'd you know?" Harry looks puzzled. "Doesn't matter. Anyway, I want to take Charlie to Disney. We've never been and I know she would have an absolute blast," he says quickly.

"We are not going to be those people who take a baby to Disney," I start.

"We wouldn't," Harry is quick to tell me, "I'm sure your mum or maybe even my mum would jump on the opportunity to have Sophia for a week."

"A week!"


"Harry, she's 5 months old-" I interrupt.

"But she'll be 7 months-"

"No! We are not leaving Sophia with either of our moms for a whole week!" Does he really think I'd be okay with this? I know for sure once the day comes he'll want to change his mind and bring her along.

"Five days?" he asks.

"Four nights," I decide.

"Okay," Harry smiles, and I realize he's already roped me into his plan.

"Harry! You did it again!" I shake my head as I watch that devilish smirk appear.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he acts innocent as he scrolls away on his phone.

"Okay, I just booked two flights. We leave December 19th and get back the 23rd."

"Flights?" I ask. Jesus, what did I agree to? Disney is like an hour away from us.

"Yeah, to Florida. That's where Disney World is," he shrugs.

"Harry, you did NOT say you wanted to take her to Disney World," I whip my head around to face him dead on.

"I didn't? Are you sure?"

"Harry Edward Styles, you know what you did," I scold him, "You deceiving, little-"

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't say things you don't mean," he points at me.

"I can't believe you," I roll my eyes, "Why can't we just go to Disney Land? It's so close."

"Well, they don't have Epcot here, and the Harry Potter World in Florida is bigger than the one here," he explains.

"Harry Potter isn't Disney, Harry."

"I know that. But if we're going all the way to Orlando, we might as well stop by Universal Studios."

"Once again, why Florida?"


"But why-"

"They have that all-around-the-world thing. I'd love to show Charlie all of the different places so that way we know where she'd like to visit."

Charlie Robin Styles [Addition to We're Having Our Baby]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon