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Emma's P.O.V. Charlie 16, Sophia 7, Avery 4

Is Charlie Styles, daughter of ex-boy-bander Harry Styles and photographer Emma Styles, queer?

Rumors have spread around for the past twenty years of Harry's bisexuality, but it seems fans have moved on to his daughter! Fans did some digging after discovering that the 16-year-old liked a post on Instagram about her dad's support of the LGBTQ+ community. One Twitter user said, "Charlie has been seen around LA with a girl named Natalie Flores a lot lately. Not sure if they're dating, but they'd be sooo cute together if they are!" Then another wrote, "Charlie was my gay-awakening, so I really hope she's gay too, haha."

Lastly, this "hit Tweet" as stan Twitter users call it, seems to represent the consensus on the matter: Whether Charlie is dating Natalie or not has nothing to do with us. We should just care about her happiness and if she's happy with Natalie, great, if she's straight, great, if she's asexual, great! Her sexuality and her dad's sexuality are none of our business! TPWK <3

So, there you have it folks! Charlie may or may not be gay, but either way we love her the same!

And if you aren't with Natalie, give us a call Charlie ; )

"This is fucking ridiculous!" Harry storms into our bedroom at 10:30am on a Saturday. The kids are all outside with their friends, enjoying the nice weather.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I step out from our closet where I've been looking for a specific swimsuit that I can't seem to find.

"This is what's fucking wrong. Have you seen this?" he shoves his phone in my face, so close that even if I had seen it, I wouldn't be able to tell what he's talking about because my eyes can't focus on the screen.

I take his phone and read the title of a Buzzfeed article.

New LGBTQ+ icon: Charlie Styles?

"What is this?" I look away from the phone to see his face.

"Garbage. Fucking garbage. Who do they think they are writing and posting this shit about my daughter! Her life is none of their fucking business! And she's sixteen! A fucking child! They're talking about the sexual orientation of a literal child!"

"Harry," I reach out to stop him. His hair that was previously held back by one of his clips has been tossed around and is now all over the place from his constant pulling.

"Em, this is not okay! What do we do?" he looks at me with pain in his eyes.

"We tell them to take it down," I say, "Did Jeffery tell you about this?"

"No. Gemma did. She texted me asking if Charlie was okay and I didn't know why and then she sent-"

"Okay, okay. I understand."

"I don't even know if Charlie has seen it," Harry sighs, throwing his head back and bringing his palms to his face.

Right on cue, we hear a door open and close, then a voice calling out for "Mr. and Mrs. Styles."

"Who is that?" I ask Harry as we turn to leave our room.

"Sounds like Kendra, but I could be wrong," Harry says, referring to one of Charlie's friends she invited over.

"Hi Kendra," I greet her in the kitchen near the doors to the backyard.

"Hi Mrs. Styles. Um, you know Buzzfeed?" Kendra barely starts before Harry walks in and stops her.

"We know. Has Charlie seen it?"

"No, she's been in the pool with everyone else. I thought you should know just in case you hadn't seen it."

Charlie Robin Styles [Addition to We're Having Our Baby]Where stories live. Discover now