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Sam's POV :

What is life?

1 : the state characterized by the ability to get and use energy, reproduce, grow, and respond to change : the quality that plants and animals lose when they die. 

2 : the period during which a person or thing is alive or exists.

This is what came up when I searched the meaning in google. According to me, life is something beyond explanation. Life is different from every single perspective. It is based on the way you see it. Everything is based on how you take or look at it. Nothing matters in life but yourself. You are the hero in your life. You design your life. You create your next move. No one does. If you let others decide what your next move is then you are gone.

We all are born in a competitive world. Where only and only competition matters. A person who wins is a winner and someone who has lost did try and put the same effort as the winner but is labelled as a loser. Someone who doesn't know how to play the game. What they don't know is that the same person who is labelled as a loser will become a winner once in his/her life only because she knew how not to play it by losing the game every single time. 

They don't respect you if you lose. You will only be respected if you win. Here give respect and take respect policy never works. Respected isn't earned. It is snatched away. If you are someone who lost for once in your life even after consistently winning you are still labelled as a loser. Here winning matters. Only winning matters. Not the lessons you learned. Not the hard work you put. Not even if you bribed someone for you to be the winner. 

All that matters is the reputation you earn after winning. A reputation that'll cost you nothing when you lose everything. The people who appreciated you when you won, the people who respected you when you won won't be there to help you when you need them. All that will be there, all that will remain is your experience. The lessons you learnt every single time. 

The bitter truth of life is no one ever stays in your life except for your shadow. A shadow that'll follow you everywhere.  A shadow that won't be able to give you advice or console you when you need it. So the fact is that only you yourself remain in your life. That is why it should be you who shapes your life. Because you are the one who's going to live it in the end.

So, the whole speech is because of the way I designed my life and what I am doing right now. What is it you ask me?


I designed my life such a way that it is too wild and dangerous for normal people. Of course I'm not normal. So I liked the way it was designed. 

And because of that, I'm running right now. Away from the cops. Yes you heard me right. The cops. What I did you ask me? I just did my art on a wall that doesn't belong to me. Nothing big and they are chasing me.

"Stop! Don't run!" 

As if it'll stop me.


*30 minutes later*

It did.

Curse my mind. I was caught when I was very close to escaping. The audacity of the cops to catch me.

Right now I'm hungry and bored out of my mind starting at the wall where the paint is almost off. This place needs renovation. I think I should've painted this place instead of that wall. Guess I have a place for doing it next time.

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