Chapter 2

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We stayed there for hours. Until I remembered I was wanted dead.

Oh I got to go." I said nervously.

"No don't go." Devin said grabbing my arm. "You see I have no one to talk to, not even a family." He said looking off to the side sadly.

"Oh what happened?" I asked feeling sorry.

"About a week ago, my parents were killed by these men."

"Oh....... My mom did too."

"How long ago?"

"Today" I said sadly.

"Oh sorry I asked." Devin said. "Then why do you have to go?"

"I just got away from them before I ran into you."

"Oh then we should go!"

We ran and ran chasing each other to our hearts content. We didn't know where we were. Lucky for us there was a sign nearby that said welcome to France. We couldn't believe how far we had ran. We must have been about 1000 miles from England.

"Oh my gosh your bleeding! Get away from me I don't want to hurt you!" I said afraid of what I could do to him.

"What are you talking about?" Devin said sounding afraid.

"I said get away from me!"

I started feeling this burning sensation throughout my entire body. I was turning into my wolf form. I honestly did not want to hurt him but the blood was just too powerful for my senses. My eyesight started to go all blurry as I turned. My eyes started turning a yellowish green. All I could smell was his blood. I started screaming in pain.

"Don't look at me I'm a monster! You'll only hurt yourself."

"Don't worry you're not the only one that's a monster. I am too, I just have more control over myself."

"Really but that can't be I'm the only hybrid? Well other then my dad. How? I'm all confused."

"My mom is a vampire and my dad is a werewolf. I guess that's how hybrids are made."

"No no no that's not how they're made. My dad said that it's because of the which she didn't know that he was a werewolf and turned him into a vampire. That's how hybrids are made. Well except me I'm more of a miracle. I'm the only hybrid that was born into being hybrid that's why I was kind of shocked, how did you turn into a hybrid?"

"I don't know I guess I'm miracle just like you!"

"But seriously you should get that bandaged."

"Oh you're probably right I'll probably attract strangers or something that."

We walked into a restaurant and asked for bandage. The waiter looked kind of shocked that we would ask such a question. But he gave us one anyways. Then we walked down the street to what looked like a hotel. But they wouldn't let us in because we were all alone. So we slept on a park bench near by. That was basically our bed for the next eighty years. Then we were finally old enough to buy two boat tickets to America.

"I can't believe it's been so long since we arrived here. That was just 214 years ago." Devin said walking into the room.

He was now a tall pale boy with Long-ish black hair that almost covered his bright blue eyes. He still had the same look as he had when he was five. Just he was taller now. He walked into the room leisurely as I was explaining to our friends about our adventure. They all had shocked expressions on their faces.

"So you're saying you are Klauses daughter?" Eliana said shocked.

"Yes." I said in return.

"Well that would explain the super speed." Damon said sarcastically.

"You're not the only ones that are paranormal. I'm just getting started. Did I mention that I am part human."

"And how is that?" Asked Stefan.

"You see my mother was human so that's how I'm part human."

"OOOH." Everyone said in unison.

"Yep I'm one-of-a-kind."

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Elizabeth Michealson ( daughter of Klaus)Where stories live. Discover now