Chapter 5 - Zella Mikio: Origin

Start from the beginning

Don't cry please.

I bowed down aggressively and thanked him a million times. Then he went out and Nezu and I spoke some more.

"He's right, you know. I've seen what you can do. Especially that lightning of yours, my goodness. But, tell me about your other quirk."

"It's copy, I got it from my mom. The cousin I told you about earlier also got accepted to the school, Neito Monoma. He's also got the same quirk. But they work a bit differently."

I reached down for my bag and pulled out a water bottle.

"This bottle is full of water right now. This is me after I've copied someone's quirk."

I drank a bit of the water.

"This is me after using it a little bit."

Then I drank a lot.

"Now, I've almost used up all of the power. And I did it quickly, right? But I could've gone slow, like I did in the beginning."

"I see. So it's like a game where you have to be cautious about how much power you use at a time, and 'recharging' your quirk-o-meter by copying the quirk again?"

I nodded. He is one smart man. Or mouse?

"Now, my cousins quirk works a bit differently even though we activate them the same way, by physical contact. His is a timer instead of a 'quirk-o-meter'. He's got the quirk he's copied for about 5-10 minutes and can have up to four quirks copied at the same time. I however, can copy how many I want and any quirk."

"I assume there's some drawbacks to it then?"

"Yeah... I feel all the drawbacks of the quirks I copy after using them. Or I mean, it depends on how much power I use. Neito usually doesn't feel anything at all. And I can also use more than one quirk simultaneously, whereas he can only use one but has it easier switching between them."

"Fascinating. So similar yet so different." he smiled, genuinely interested in this.

"Before we conclude this meeting, I have one question that I ask all students before they leave."

He turned around in his chair and hopped down. He walked up in front of me and stopped me from standing up and looked down with his hands behind his back.

"Why do you believe you should attend this school? Don't mind what we think, but what do you believe?"

I looked down to my hands, playing with the hair tie on my wrist before answering him.

"I was told only the best attend this school. And even if I'm not at the moment, I'm going to be just that one day. And at U.A high you'll not only give me the training I need, cause any school could do that, but you'll give me something more. Experience, professionalism. I believe I belong here, sir. That's why I should attend U.A high and become the greatest I can be."

He tried to suppress a smile.

"I'm very pleased to hear that you as a student have just as high expectations on the school as we have on you. Work hard, my office is always open if you need me."

"Thank you, principal Nezu." I bowed and went out.

The first thing I did when I left was exhale loudly as if I've kept it in the whole time. Then I heard someone chuckle.

"Now I'm scared to go in if that's what I'm gonna look like when I'm done."

"I almost shit my pants." I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes.

"That bad?" he grinned.

I stood up and leaned my head on Katsukis shoulder instead.

"It felt like a job interview. But he's actually quite nice, I think you'll scare him away."

"Your morning face is the scariest thing he'll ever see." he stroked my arm, his words harsh but his body gentle.

That was, until I stood up straight and smacked his head. "I hope he asks you hard questions."

"Don't be mad cause I said the truth." he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Goodbye to you too!" he called for me as I was walking down our school halls. What a dork.


Character profile: Zella Ophelia Mikio

Quirk: White lightning & Copy

Her lightning quirk allows her to attack in any way desired with the help of lightning bolts and gives her super speed. Using it too much causes her to become drained and sore around the area she used it most. Her copying quirk allows her to copy any quirk she wants but can run out like in a game, which means she needs to copy it again in order to use it.

Power: 3/5 C (before copying a power quirk)
Speed: 6/5 S
Technique: 5/5 A
Intelligence: 4/5 B
Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Provocativeness: 5/5 A (like her dear cousin)

Affiliation: U.A. High school - Hero course class 1A

Height: 172cm

Weight: 58kg

Birthday: 24/08

Likes: Running, music & her dog Tony

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