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Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.


I think there are rules to the dares we do. No killing or any sort of...stabbing either.

Zombie_Creation: I never made up those rules.



Okay. Okay. This is....oh my. To tell you guys the truth, when I was younger, I had...I did have these thoughts but the fact that I have to PLAY THEM OUT AND THEN PRETENDING I AM DEAD IS JUST...IS JUST CRUEL!

Whatever, I'll just do it.


Okay, how so I start this?

I look at myself in the mirror, holding my dagger that slips into my armband.

Maybe I should give them 'hints'. Like bruises and scars.

Sighing, I lift my wrist up and I drag the blade across it, hissing from the sting. Blood dribbles from the wound and to the floor, and I wince.

Then, I hear a boom and a bash and then Toothless bounds into the room, snarling. He comes to me, sees the blood, then sees the knife in my hand. He stops snarling.

And his face expression breaks me.

He looks Horrified.

"I-It's a dare" I say.

Toothless snarls then he jumps up, trying to get the blade off me.

"No, Toothless...n-no--"

He jumps at me again and I turn and run out the door. My peg-leg slips and I fall face first down the stairs.

I land at the bottom, and I lay there for a few seconds.

"Well" I croak. "At least I'll have bruises."


"Have you see Hiccup" says Astrid as she stands at the markets. She hands the lady some runes and she grabs a glass vase that she fancies. "He's been acting all...lonely."

"Lonely?" replies Valka.


She sighs. "I have seen him. He looks... he looks depressed. He looks...he doesn't look right."

"W-What happened?" whispers Astrid, rubbing her stomach.

Valka sighs, wiping tears that have welled up in her eyes. "The worst."


"H-Hiccup?" whispers Astrid, apart dropping the glass vase as I walk into the Academy.

I have cuts across my hands and arms and there is a bruise on my jaw which is purple. I am gripping my dagger in my hand, and my knuckles are white because I'm holding it too hard.

Fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins all stop patting their dragons and look to me, eyes wide.

I wonder what they are thinking.

Tears spring into my eyes and a few stop down on to my cheek when I think of what they'll be thinking.

If you are wondering where toothless is, I locked him in Cloudjumpers room so he won't get to me whilst this is happening.

"Oh...Hiccup" says Astrid, putting the vase down and walking over to me, arms spread like she wants to give me a hug.

I push her away and step back, the tears cascading down my face.

I dare you, to dare me - HTTYDWhere stories live. Discover now