Forgetting your Girlfriends Birthday.

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This isn't such a bad dare, but I don't know if I'll be able to convince Eret to kiss Astrid.

Wait. Eret has to kiss MY Astrid?!?!


What is up with you and kissing?!?

And ruining relationships?!?!


"Eret!" I call.

He turns to me, smiling a little and I take a deep breath.

"Ah, the dragon master" he says, doing a small bow, a smirk on his face. "How are you today?"

"I need you to do something for me."

He stands, throwing an arm over my shoulders and ruffling my hair with his fist, like we are brothers. "Depends on what it is Hiccy."

I cringe. "Don't say that."

"Oh, what about Hiccstrid? I heard that it's popular these days. Everyone's saying it."

"Er, actually--"

"Hictooth? I think it suits."





"What?! No, listen--"

"Oh, Ruffcup. I love it."




He looks at me, blinking. "Wha?"

"You. Astrid. Smooch."


"A dare."


"Great, thanks."

I remove myself from Eret and I speed away. I quickly call back at him, "Oh, and pretend that you don't know it's her birthday today!"

"Wait. It's her birthday?!" he calls but I don't reply.


"That needs more icing" I say to the baker lady as she holds a box with Astrids cake in it. It hasn't got enough icing.

"Hey babe!" calls Astrid and I quickly shoo the baker lady away.

I turn as Astrid walks up to me, a small on her face. "Guess what today is" as says, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.

I face palm my forehead. "Oh yeah, It's Monday. I have to prepare for my speech."

She looks upset and it almost makes my heart shatter. "Actually--"

"Thanks Astrid" I say, patting her shoulder before running off.

I make my way to Meade hall and Toothless comes over to me. "Hey bud" I say. "How's it going."

He snorts, upset.

"What is it bud?"

He shakes his head and walks never to me, looking upset.


"HICCUP!" says Fishlegs. "It's ready!"

"We need the cake!" I shout back to him.

I get to the front of the hall where Fishlegs is and I peer in.

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