Chapter 8: The Massacre

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Harden tone
"Sayings from Hikari's Flashbacks."
"Kurama Talking"
(Author Talking)
-zZz- Time skip/ Somewhere

(Trust me, I hate this too but I was young when I already wrote the plot so let's get this over with. I'm sorry everyone, and I'm sorry Itachi, you deserved better so I'll make sure you get your happy life)

Warning: Blood (Gore?), Angst, Hits harder than any back story, Sad af, Spoilers for Shippuden Uchiha Massacre Lore, so many tears were shed this day.


"That's my boy!" Fugaku said, sat on a cushion of the living room, Itachi sitting across him who appeared neutral.

"You've become a member of the ANBU and I'm very proud," and then that's where things get serious. "However, keep this close to your heart. Though you're an ANBU, you are first and foremost Itachi of the Uchiha Clan." His father stated through sharpened charcoal eyes.

The light coming from the candled flickered for a moment, before Itachi finally answered.



"You're the only one I can count on, my best friend." He took out his eye as it bled from the missing eye socket, and as extremely painful as it may look, the teen did not appear to be pained with it, instead a brave smile was plastered on his face.

Itachi stared at him in shock.

"Protect the village and the Uchiha name," Shisui spoke. Crows cawed as they fled, feathers scattering everywhere. But Itachi paid no mind to them, except the fact that his best friend is actually…

"If I die, many things will change… I've left a note."

Then, without a moment's hesitation, he jumps backwards.

"Shisui!?" Itachi yelled in panick, holding out a hand to reach for his best friend, but to no avail, Shisui stopped him by softly speaking.

"Don't stop me, Itachi… If you're truly my friend." His last words struck Itachi.

"Shisui!" He yelled, only to be crowded with the sounds of the waterfall rushing down as his friend fell without any trace.

The moon shone brightly in the night sky above Itachi's figure.

Itachi's eyes bled dripping down from his face, snapping it open, the Mangekyou Sharingan awoke as it blazed with all its glory, radiating off such dagerous intent as two red orbs glowed.


"Shisui Uchiha, who threw himself into the Nakano River and killed himself last night…" One of the three Uchihas spoke at his doorstep, handing out a piece of paper that had been given to him.

It read:


When the three were about to leave, Itachi stopped them, glaring at them through shadowed eyes.

"Why don't you come out and say it?" He questioned them quietly. The men halted.

"You suspect me, don't you?" Killing intent started to leak out.

One of them scoffed.

"Yeah, we do, you punk. Listen, Itachi. Just try and betray the clan. And you'll pay big time." They were cocky, unsuprisingly so. The Uchihas are really to full of themselves these days. Just where are their honor? They tried to threaten him, keyword; try.

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