Chapter Three

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Word Count: 4545 


On our way to the movies, Adrien is kind enough to let me know that we're going to a cinema somewhere that's not right in the centre of Paris. Which I'm actually quite glad about. The cinemas right in the centre or Paris are pretty crowded at all time. Fancy, but crowded. 

The chance to get recognised and gawked at are way higher than somewhere more private, especially on a Monday afternoon. Though, I still suspect Adrien of buying every single seat in the whole room. 

We've been driving for literally two hours, which means we're long out of Paris. 

"Where the hell are you taking me?" I ask. Honestly, I wonder how I haven't been asking the very same question good one and a half hour ago. "We've been driving for two hours." 

He snorts, pretty much being amused that I'm only asking now. I can't blame him, I would react the same. 

"You said: 'outside of the centre of Paris', not 'I'm driving us to Dieppe'," I remind him, but he just chuckles. 

"Actually, I said 'not the centre of Paris', I never said we were staying in Paris," he says and lays his hand onto my thigh. 

His sudden touch sends shivers through my entire body. Ever since he just casually went to tease me in my closet, I'm pretty damn horny. It's so ridiculous. I never planned on being wet for this guy today, not until nighttime at least. But god, I feel like I sat into some slime. 

Only Adrien manages to keep me wet for hours... without even doing anything. Literally, we spent the last two hours listening to music. I don't think we exchanged any words other than "My sides' free." or "Don't drive like a fucking prick." Which was also me talking, not him. 

His hand on my thigh jolts a tingly sensation through my body, targeting me right between my legs. And all I can think about is his fingers easing back inside of me, teasing me, again. I cannot help but imagine his tongue darting out of his mouth, flicking my clit while he presses me against any goddamn surface. 

Honestly, if he were down for it, I would make him stop the car and fuck me right here on the street. 

And as if he could read my mind, he chuckles again. But this time he's actually looking at me while we wait for a traffic light to turn green. His thumb circles my inner thigh, and he's moving upwards. I hate this man with a passion, I swear. 

"Is this a parking lot for people wanting to walk through the forest?" I ask, pointing towards an obvious free parking space that's somewhat hidden within trees. 

"I am not sure, but I guess so. Why?" His eyes are locked on mine. My legs spread a bit further apart while his hand moves up even higher, until his finger brush my panties. "Our movie starts in an hour." 

I don't say anything. But it's not because I don't have anything to say, but more because Adrien is pressing his finger against my drenched panties. And he has the audacity to laugh. I'm not sure his laugh turns me on more than it bothers me, or if it bothers me more than it turns me on. Either way, it turns me the fuck on. 

"You don't seem too excited for the movie I've picked out for us," Adrien says and sticks out his bottom lips, pouting. The act of innocence would usually cause me to get a knife and slice open his throat, but not today. Because right now, all I want is to feel his goddamn dick inside of me. 

He knows. He knows exactly what he's doing to me, because when I don't respond to his stupid comment, he grins at me with the most mischievous smile I've ever seen on him. His eyes darken with lust, and I know he wants this too. But the hell do we do? We can't just

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