
for sure

I went to Alexander, who was glaring at Mrs. Brown clenching his fist.

'Wouldn’t blame him though.'

"God, even on a school trip, I have to pair with you?" I said, as I groaned.

"As if I want to pair with you at any time, you are a bad partner anyway," Alexander said as rolled his eyes.

"Alright, first of all, everyone gets a tent and you and your partner have to put it up. Who finishes first gets plus five, points," Mrs. brown, said, making me smirk and look at Alexander, who was already looking at me smirking.

'We got this'

In under eight minutes we finished first of course a little bit of trips from me here and there and Alexander constantly glaring at it because it will fall over again.

"Five points for Alexander and Belle, who finished their tent in under eight minutes," Mrs. brown said, making the rest of the seniors to clap.

'oh, thank you, thank you'

"now second task is the easiest, probably. All you have to do is get wood, make a fire place, and light it without using a match,"

'What is easy in her description?'

"What the fuck?" I heard Alexander whisper behind me.

"Let's get going," Mrs. brown said.

Me and Alexander went to the woods to find wood and let me tell you. It. Wasn't. Easy.

I fell two times, chased by a bee three times, hurt my arm with branches of wood.

Worse, 10 minutes of my life. And all of it with Alexander, who was laughing at me the whole time.


"Let's go before another bee decides that it likes you," Alexander said as he grabbed me by my waist and walked farther into the woods.

"I hate this," I said as I picked few wood from the ground.

"Come on, I think I saw a few good woods there. " Alexander put his hand on my lower back, guiding me.

"Can this please be our last one? " I whined as I tried to wave off a bee.

'I hate my life'

"Here, let me help you. " Alexander waved off the bee and fixed my hair that was all over the place.

"Thank you, Ace," I said as I walked past him.

"Ace? It’s been so long," Alexander said.

We walked next to each other, back to the main area.

"Imagine if a bear showed up behind us right now," Alexander whispered in my ear and smirked.

"What? " I said as I froze.

I am terrified of bears. I hate them.

"What if I’m looking at you right now, coming from a distance?," Alexander said as he kept looking behind me.

"Alexander please stop" I said, scared, imaging all the ways I could die by that stupid bear.

"Let’s run," Alexander said as he grabbed my arm and ran.

That's when I heard a bear and I looked back for a second to see a huge bear standing.

'Don’t faint'
'don't faint'

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