"Mhm," I hummed and nodded, "I think I got hit at one point though" I giggled.

"Really? What did you turn into?" He chuckled and smiled a little bigger.

"Uhhh.." I hummed and leaned back looking away. Maybe a fairy.. or.. "Um.. probably a princess mermaid.." I mumbled.

"Pfft-" Chat slapped his hand over his mouth while I sighed and looked away in embarrassment. "R-Really? Tail and crown and all?" He asked and tried to be serious but he couldn't keep a straight face.

"I don't know, I just hope no one saw that.." I mumbled as I thought of viperion. Whatever I was, he saw me. But he also knows who to chat is and he's even dating ladybug in their civilian life. She doesn't even know he knows!.. I remember what viperion told me though.. he said chat cried when he found out who I was.. I wonder if I ever got to see him.. I wonder who he is.. I wonder what kind of life he lives outside of the mask..

He's still giggling like a little girl, even now. I bet with the mask he lets go a lot more which is why he's so goofy.. but without it, is he alright?.. I wonder..

"Stop laughing, I bet yours was pretty bad too" I smiled and messed up his hair.

"Hey! Well I wouldn't know, I didn't get hit!" He laughed and took my hand so I wouldn't mess with him anymore.

"Yeah but you must've wanted to be something when you were a kid" I smiled as he looked up to me. He slowly looked at my hand as his smile softened a little. That's.. not good..

"I always wanted to be what my parents wanted me to be.. I guess that's just me though" he said as he took my hand in both of his now.

"Were they controlling or did you just really love them?" I asked with a smile.

"A little bit of both," he chuckled as he poked at my hand and spread my fingers, "my dad was more controlling than my mom" he told me.

"My parents are the opposite. My mom isn't a great lady anymore and my dad is gone.. But I have one memory when we were all happy together.. So, I just held onto that" i smiled to myself as I looked to the night sky out my window.

"I lost my mom when I was little, I have the same kind of memories you do.. I don't think we're all that different.. Besides the mask" Chat gave me a little side grin to try and not make himself sound so serious but I like hearing about his life. I didn't know any of this before now.

I just kept smiling as I put this into my memories. I stared down at him gently playing with my hand and didn't have a thought in my head. I can't believe this is where we've ended up. He used to hate me and now we're together.. Well, I guess he doesn't know I'm Kya though.. not yet anyway.

I quietly yawned before slowly leaning down and gently pressed my forehead against Chats chest. "Tired, peaches?.." as he talked, I could feel his chest humming.

"No.. I've gotta fix these clothes first.." I mumbled to him with my eyes shut.
Suddenly, I felt him kiss the middle of my neck. From the surprise and tickle, I smiled and pulled myself up a little to see him smiling right back at me. "Can't resist me, can you?" I giggled and was just joking.

"How could I turn down the opportunity?" He asked with this beautiful grin that made my whole body tingle!..

"Ah-.." I couldn't think of what to say. My face burned and my eyes showed I had totally lost my thoughts. He smiled a little bigger when he saw my face go blank. "I-Im gonna go get a snack.." I said as I tried to move away.

"Wait, wait!" He shouted and took my arm, pulling me into his hug.. "We're all better now, right?.." he whispered to me. I slowly took in a deep breath and let myself relax. Everything will be fine, I'm not alone..

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now