28-something changed

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Diana's POV
After hours of not being able to sleep because the power was out and I was scared, my decision was final. I walked around the house and gathered a huge pile of candles and lit them in my room. You could see when the flame flickered on the wall, I loved it.

I only lit them in my room, since I wasn't going anywhere else in this condition. Even after having light I wasn't at ease, I wanted comfort. I wanted someone to hold me and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. But I messed up.

I left. I got a boyfriend. I moved on. Then I came back and pretended everything was ok. I'm so effed up! Sitting criss cross in the middle of my bed I wept into my hands, not sleeping. 'Be strong child' a musical voice whispered. 'How?' I said back 'WE are the moon goddess,we are strong' the other me spoke.

I felt the power surging through my veins, I am strong! Springing up from the bed I dried my tears and started planning, but first.

I ran through the rain, letting it soak me to the bone. I laughed out loud in joy and went faster. Everything around me was a blur and I ran. I loved the feeling of the rain pounding against my body.

I was soaked, but I didn't care.

Finally I gave to a stop at a lake, the rain hit the water sending ripples across the whole lake. The moon peeked through the dark storm clouds and shone in the water. 'Go in' the goddess in me urged. Taking off my basketball shorts and top I waded into the water.

'Dive' she commanded I went under. The moon hit me under the water and I closed my eyes, almost as if I was soaking up the power.

Something changed in me that night.

Something I can't explain.

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