Chapter 8- break downs, and kisses

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Diana's POV
I bet your highly confused am I wrong? At the beginning of the story I went on about how I'm a late shifter, right? Yeah well I try to convince myself that all the time. Pathetic right? Yeah. I thought if I convinced myself I was a late bloomer I'd shift. But I didn't. And I never will.

I found out the one time they hit me. They left long scars on my stomach and little ones on my thighs from the silver razor they used. The pack doctor had taken my blood, found out, then told me. And I still tried to convince myself.

Everything seem less confusing?

Got it? Good. Great! On with the story!

I locked myself in my house and talked to no one. People blew up my phone tying to reach my but I just shut my phone off. Multiple times Xale, Daniel, Tucker, and Allen have tried to get in the house but I always stop them. I've been dancing all night and all day, trying to clear my head.

But nothing works.

So I moved to music. I can play very instrument known to the 21st century. Sitting down with my guitar I strummed the chords and hummed a little. I'd had a song stuck in my head I've been wanting to sing, so I sang it.

You tell me that you're sad and lost your way
You tell me that your tears are here to stay
But I know you were only hiding
And I just want to see ya
You tell me that you're hurt and you're in pain
And I can see your head is held in shame
But I just want to see you smile again
See you smile again
But don't burn out even if you scream and shout
It'll come back to you and I'll be here for you

Oh I would carry you over fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer, hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark

I wish that I could take you to the start
I'd never let you fall and break your heart
And if you want to cry or fall apart, I'd be there to hold ya
You tell me that your hurt it's all in vein
But I can see your heart can love again
And I remember you, you were laughing
So let's just laugh again
But don't burn out even if you scream and shout
It'll come back to you, back to you

Oh I would carry you over fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer, hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark

And you don't need, you don't need to run
And you will see it's easy to be loved
I know you wanna be loved
Oh I will carry you over
Fire and water for you love...

Oh I would carry you over fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer, hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark

Oh I would carry you over fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer, hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark

I put all my emotions in the song to make it more special, and the tears rolled down my face and splattered on the guitar and soft carpeted floor. I just wish someone would hold me tight and say everything is going to be ok. When in reality.....

It's not.

Xale's POV
I could feel her sadness, which was highly strange being she's not my mate. Multiple times we have tried to reach her and get in the house. But she blocks us out each time. "I wonder if she's ok?" Tucker thought out loud as we sat in school working on our project.

"Me to" I sighed and set my pencil down. Suddenly I felt a burst of strength run through me "bro you feeling ok?" Tucker commented as he watched me clench my hands tight in a fist. "Peachy" I told him in clipped tone ending all conversations.

'Shes here' my wolf Calder howled. He had taken a strong liking to Diana too. I griped the desk as I watched the seconds tick by agonizingly slow. Time seemed to go so slow while I wanted it to go so fast.

Guess that's life for ya.


The bell went off and I was out of my seat like a rocket. I needed to see her. Her familiar scent of cotton candy and strawberry wafted up my nose and I caught sight of her blue hair in the sea of people. "Diana" I called her out and she froze before turning to me. Her eyes wide like a doe but red.

I saw Daniel come up behind her his eyes locked on mine, I nodded and he caged her in his arms. The halls were less empty, people ran to lunch. She wiggled trying to get from his grasp as I advanced. "Please just let me go" she sobbed her shoulders shaking.

"Please" she pleaded sobbing and Daniel's face held hurt and sadness "Diana what's going on" I tried to reach for her but she flinched away sobbing harder. "Diana" I tired again but her heart wrenching sobs filled the hall.

"Baby girl" Daniel cooed rocking her like a baby "come one talk to Daniel" he cooed and quieted her down. "How can you guys still care for me after the way I've treated you" she wailed. Daniel sat down on the floor with her and I mirrored his actions.

"Because your special Ana" I spoke "you impact everyone around you and you don't even know it" I smiled at her. "And you can dance like nobodies business" Daniel grinned. "Don't start on your cooking" I moaned.

She sniffled and hugged Daniel "your like the brother I've never had Daniel" she sobbed "and your my little sister I've never had" he hugged her tight. "And Xale" she trailed off. "Come here" I took her in my arms and cradled her against me.

"Your like a protective boyfriend" she giggled. My body tensed. Boyfriend. "You protected me even though I'm rouge" she continued "no" I whispered. "I Xale Kingston accept you Diana Clark into the Breaking Dawn pack" I said in my alpha tone.

"Thank you" she hugged me "my pleasure" I whispered in her ear and tugged gently at her ear lobe. 'Daniel could you give us a moment' I asked through pack link 'sure Alpha' I heard the smirk in his tone.

Daniel retreating footsteps could be heard but I was staring at the beautiful girl in my arms.

Diana's POV
Xale stared down at me with so much love it killed me. "Possessive boyfriend huh?" he chuckled against my neck and kissed it. "Yes" I breathed shakily and titled my head giving more access. He growled and made his way to the corner of my mouth, "remember this" he muttered and our lips collided.

My hands tangled his hair and his fingers laced my hair. Needing hair we both pulled back "your were my first kiss" I muttered my cheeks flaming red and I looked away. "Such a beautiful girl like you had her first kiss at eighteen, perfect" his finger traced my lips gently.

I leaned in and kissed him again this time his tongue traced my lips and I opened my mouth. "Go on a date with me?" he breathed as we pulled back, I pecked his lips giving him an answer. "I'll take that as a yes" he chuckled and stood up offering me his hand gently placing my hand in his he pulled me to my feet and we walked hand in hand to the doors of the school.
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