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Surprise! Surprise!

Enjoy reading and do refer to the previous chapter for looks and attires, I haven't given them again here!


Author's POV

Anger, fury, and a fear rushed through his veins at her answer. He completely lost control on his emotions as the next second she felt herself bein pulled towards the exit. Meera shrieked and shouted,


But he heard none of it, only one thought was going on in his mind that she is going to marry someone else. Even the thought was enough to make him angry like molten lava. He pulled her towards his car in the parking, and dropped a message to Aarav to call for another car before leaving.

He opened the passenger gate and said,


Meera tried to jerk his hand away and said,

"Ansh! What the hell, are you....."


He shouted furiously making her shiver in fear, she looked at him trembling whe he passed a hand through his hair trying to calm himself down before looking at her with icy cold eyes.

"Meera! I'll say one last time, sit inside! I wanna talk to you, but not here. So isse pehle I pick you up and make you sit in forcefully, get in the car NOW."

She hurriedly sat inside not testing his patience, and he too went towards the driving seat. Settling in, he started driving, the speed was too high and she was getting scared but he was too furious to listen at the moment. She could see his veins as he was gripping the steering tightly, in between he would look at her with blood red eyes as he drove.

She tried once more,

"An..Ansh listen!"

But he just increased the speed of the car in response, she was getting scared when he finally after what felt like an hour of torturous ride stopped the car with a jerk causing their bodies to jerk forward due to the force. She thanked the seatbelt otherwise she would have banged her head hard against the dashboard.

She looked out and saw her house there, before she could have gauged anything he opened the door and then her side before pulling her hand out forcefully. He dragged her towards her home, while she let him do. He made her stand in front of the door, waiting silently but only he knew the turmoil that was going inside of him. She fumbled with the keys, trying to open the door, her hands were shivering due to the nervousness. Getting frustrated, he took the keys from her and opened the gate in a second. Meera shivered as he opened the door with a bang, and waited for her to enter, she walked in silently and he too followed making her shiver again as he closed the door shut with a loud thud.

Before she could have reacted, he stormed upto her making her take two three steps back colliding herself to the wall while he closed the distance between them. he didn't touch her but just stood there seething in anger and asked a single word furiously,

"Who?" She frowned, not liking his tone, but didn't say anything not to make him more angry, though it wasn't even possible. He asked again when she didn't respond, "Who is he?"

She looked aside and muttered,


He seethed in anger, hitting his hand on the wall causing a loud noise, he captured her between him and the wall, still not touching her and she was thankful for that.

Soulmates- Broken String of Fate (Book 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now