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Author's POV

"We reached."

Meera turned towards Rajat as he stopped the car in front of the party venue. She smiled at him softly, he too smiled back and asked,


She just nodded saying,

"Yeah, never have been to any business party."

He nodded smiling and said running his gaze on her frame,

"Don't worry. You look gorgeous and I am sure you'll be fine in there."

She nodded collecting her wits, and soon two chauffeurs came and one opened the door for her, thanking them she stepped down from the car. Rajat walked upto her and gave his arm to her, she hesitated but didn't say anything and slightly held his arm, only her fingers grazing his jacket. They walked inside and she awed seeing the décor of the place. It was grand! She really believed she just entered some royal princess ball.

She was lost, unaware about the attention she got from every single person as soon as she entered. The girls looked at her enviously while the boys were left mesmerised and ran their gazes on her not able to look away. She wasn't even aware of the familiar shocked gazes of some people, but soon she took the liberty of gazing around and her eyes halted seeing them standing there and gazing straight at her looking at her with big eyes due to shock. Even she felt a tremble passing through her body and she was stoned at her place seeing the witnesses and part of her past standing there.

FLAMES TEAM! That means.........

She thought tensed, suddenly realising where she was and who else can be here if the team was. She was so shocked that she didn't even reacted as Rajat excorted her inside and made her walk towards the hosts. She was stupefied and shaken to her bones. Her heartbeat was racing loudly and she was suddenly feeling like having a panic attack. She wasn't fucking ready for this.

As soon as the D3 team saw her, even they went into shock, of course after all Ansh showed them her pics when they were dating and seeing their beloved son's ex-girlfriend, whom he doesn't even remember standing there in front of them. They didn't knew what to say.

Rajat smiled at Taarey as soon as he reached near them and wished them,

"Happy 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Singhania."

Taarey forced a smile and thanked him, when Rajat slightly shook Meera who was still in shock, he gestured to the flower bouquet she held and she nodded, still not completely in her senses, forwarding the flowers to the couple she mumbled,

"Happy anniversary sir and mam!"

Taarey smiled softly at the girl, they were seeing her for the first time in years and they could say whatever the team and Ansh told them about her was true. She was so pretty, beautiful and fragile like a flower. Taani smiled softly and cupped Meera' s one cheek,

"Thank you so much. You look lovely."

Meera too smiled at her not knowing what to say, Rey grinned at the girl. He so wanted to pat the girl's head and ask forgiveness for his son's deeds but he was helpless. He just prayed that the almighty keeps her happy.

They all were totally unaware that both the teams and specially Ansh has saw the whole interaction. Ansh felt happy seeing his parents smiling at her, he felt a sudden happiness as if he really wanted Taarey to like her.

Soulmates- Broken String of Fate (Book 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now