Part 34: 'Your sister know you're here?'

Start from the beginning

"I have." I plopped myself down beside him.

"Let's hear them then."

"You're really enjoying this, watching me struggle." Why are these two so pig-headed, Damon is obviously worried about his brother and Stefan can't see that.

"Very much so." What an idiot.

"Well I hate to break it to you but I actually have it under complete control." I snorted.

"You do?" Stefan nodded in response.

"Oh, well then you should just carry on making the rest of us vampires look bad." Damon stood up. "Have a great day Stef."

Damon purposely left his glass of blood sitting out in the open for Stefan to see. I just sat back and watched Stefan struggle with himself to have it or not. He took a few steps towards and I sat up preparing to grab it from him.

"Oh hey almost forgot. Oops." Damon walked back into the room and grabbed the blood walking out he kept making noises about how nice it was.

"Your brothers a dick," I told Stefan.

"Trust me I know."

"How are you though?" I asked, I knew he was tittering over the edge of a very high cliff.

"Fine." He replied curtly.

"Come on Stefan, I've seen the show before you drink you stop and then eventually you break and binge. Except there's usually a Lexi to pull you back." He looked at me confused.

"You knew Lexi?"

"Of course, I'm the one that sent her to you," I told him before getting up and leaving not wanting to answer any other questions. I had school.

Elena kept texting me about it, reminding me to not skip. As much as I wanted to skip I didn't because, well I don't really know why but I wasn't so that's that.

Getting out at school after stealing Damon's car to drive that I walked in just wanting to find Elena. I saw her talking to Matt, who I now know has a reason for looking all sad because his sister was thought to be missing but in reality, Damon turned her then killed her and her body was found not too long ago.

"Hey, Elena." I leaned upon the locker beside her.

"Hey Adeline, this is Matt."

"Oh yeah, you're Jeremy friend right, from the grill." Matt held his hand out for me to shake, which I did. Elena looked confused and turned to me.

"You know my brother." Jeremy's her brother!?

"Jeremy's your brother?"

"Yes, how do you know him."

"I met him my first day here at the grill haven't seen him since," I told her leaving out the part where I walked him home.

"So how do you know Elena?" Matt asked thankfully changing the subject.

"We're actually cousins through my birth mom," Elena told him. It was a nice cover story.

"Elena found me a month ago and texted me and I was already planning on moving out near here so I just decided to come to Mystic Falls." She continued for her. Elena turned to walk down the hall and show me to class.

We walked around while Matt and Elena showed me all my classes but before we could head to first period Alaric called me and Elena into his class.

"I made a copy of a paper Jeremy wrote." He handed it to Elena and she sighed before handing it to me.

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