"It's nice, going to work together like this."

(Y/n) grins as both of them walk out from the mansion, heading to Levi's car. As Levi was about to say something, his girlfriend grimaces in pain and holds on to the wall beside her. (Y/n) bent down her body a little and grasped her foot while wincing.

"Are you alright ?"

"Yes.. Yes, I'm alright." The woman tries to assure him by replacing the look of pain with a smile.

Levi frowns, "did you sprain your ankle ? We should go to the hospital before we head into the office."

"Nope, my ankle's fine. My heel just scratched, that's all," she went silent for a while, "but a scratched heel for me means bad luck." (Y/n) pondered, thinking about how both of them have gotten the sign of bad luck this morning.

On the other hand, Levi seems to be checking at the time.

"Let's go."

"Yeah, otherwise we're gonna be late-"

"I never said we're going to the office right now, brat." he clicked his tongue before beckoning her to follow him to his parked car.

(Y/n) tilts her head as she glances down to look at the time displayed on her phone.

They only have 1 hour left to get into the office, where could Levi possibly want to go at this time ?


Again, the couple sit across from each other, but this time, in a small, quiet cafe.

(Y/n) hums in delight as she chews on a black tea flavored swiss roll cake, served with an iced coffee. As for Levi, he ordered the same.

"Do you love black tea flavor that much ? I thought you hate bitter food and beverages."

She shook her head, "when the flavor comes with something sweet such as cake or candy, I really like it. To me, black tea flavor is like food for my soul. But if I were to drink only plain black tea, I wouldn't be able to stand it."

"Food of your soul ?"

"Mhm. Remember how you gave the last black tea flavored candy to me when we were little ? That would pop up in my mind from time to time. What you did for me back then would always cheer me up every time I think of it." She smiles to herself.

Levi's heart swells with warmth upon her small confession, yet, he chooses not to show it.

"Uh, I have a question I've been meaning to ask.." (Y/n) slowly said, earning a full attention from the man.

He raises his eyebrows.

"Why do you have a certain fear of.. women, when it comes to sexual concepts ?"

The light in Levi's eyes died down, he stirred his iced coffee absentmindedly when he heard (Y/n) asked about his.. fear.



"L-levi dear, please go play outside. I w-will.. ggh !!"

The 6 years old boy who's body almost resembled a skeleton, could only watch his mother writhing in pain as a male did some.. weird movements to her.

And it seemed like every move the man made put his mother in vain.

Chuckling deeply, the man then choked his mother, "Your son, huh ? I see you're playing hero now, whore."

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now