🍂 chapter-1 🍂

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god thank you so much mumma." He said giggling as he nuzzles his face into the fluffy teddy's head.

"It's not over yet, here this also." She gives him a black card.

"But I don't need it mumma." He said looking at the card as he put the card between his thumb and index finger and starts to spin it.

"Oh no, you need it. You are eighteen now and a big boy too so as a big boy you are, you need it." She explained.

Jungkook frowned his eyes together thinking hard and after processing everything in his bunny brain he nodded his head in agreement.

"So as it's my baby's birthday, his mumma gonna take him out to his favourite places while spending her whole time with him." She announced tilting her head looking at jungkook who jumped on the bed yelling in excitement.


"I don't have much time now shinnie. Sooner or later i am gonna leave you all. Can you do me a favour?" han jieun asked her best friend kim taeshin who was sobbing badly by now.

"I-i will d-do everything for y-you eunnie i p-promise." She stuttered while wiping off tears from her cheeks but they falls again wetting her cheeks.

"When i will be gone can you please take care of my kookie, he is really sensitive baby he can't live without me. So please give him so much love that he never misses m-me. Will you keep him with you and provide him love and warmth? Will you d-do this for m-me shinnie?" Jieun asked with glossy eyes showing hope in them as she held Mrs Kim's hand.

"I-i will eunnie, i w-will..... I p-promise, i will l-love him like m-my tae even m-more than him. I w-will never l-let him cry and w-will never let him f-feel that he don't h-have his mumma with h-him."

She promised with her heart, more tears falls from her eyes. She kept her other hand on her best friend's hand. When jieun gets the assurance she closed her eyes in contentment.

"Now I can die peacefully." Jieun said smiling with teary eyes.

"N-no don't s-say that, doctor said y-you still have chances to s-survive. Don't lose hope a-atleast for our k-kookie please." Taeshin pleads controlling herself from crying further.

"Ok I will not. But i have to leave for america next month in december." She sighed.

"Oh, ok y-you don't have to w-worry about kookie n-now. We will t-take care of him a-and love h-him, i p-promise he will n-never f-feel alone. But y-you have to come b-back to us t-to your kookie hm." Taeshin pleaded with a shaky voice while jieun hugged her tightly.

Mrs kim taeshin and Miss han jieun both are childhood best friends. They both are really close to eachother and loved eachother's kids like their own.

But right now jieun's condition is not good. She has leukemia and chances for her survival is very low.

She is only parent of jungkook. She loves him more than her life, he is only one she have in this world. She always fulfil his every wish.

She is a famous fashion designer but apart from it nobody had seen her. She never disclosed herself in front of anyone. She kept her identity hidden for some reasons.

A while later jieun looks up at her bestie and felt bad to see her gloomy face. So she decided to cheer her up.

"Shin-ah, do you know kookie have crush on tae?" Jieun asked with a mischievous smile.

"What? Seriously on tae that lazy brat?" She asked with eyes got all wide as her mouth hang open slightly.

"Ofcourse but lemme tell you one thing apart from being lazy, tae is very handsome and kind hearted boy too who stole my kookie's heart. You know kookie always talk about tae and whenever he start he never stops. He admires tae so much and atlast he wants to join tae's college after his school so that he can see him everyday." Jieun exclaimed while taeshin chuckled.

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