CHAPTER 11: Invitation

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Me and Loki were having a spooning session when Thor barged in. I was very upset since Clint had fallen on top of my TV while I was trying to watch Sherlock Holmes. He is currently hiding from my wrath in Nat's room.

 The only way to make me happy again was to use Loki, my clingy touch starved muffin as a personal teddy bear.

'LOKI I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!' Came Thor's thundering voice.

'What is it Thor?' Groaned Loki sleepily as he nuzzled into my breasts.

'You and I are going to go back to Asgard tomorrow!' He said happily. Loki's still sleepy eyes saddened at the thought of leaving me. Thor noticed this.

'Lady Y/n is invited too.' He said. Loki now fully awake detached himself from me.

'I'm gonna go to Asgard?' I spoke, surprised.


'Darling? Can I speak to Thor alone?' He asked.

'Yes of course.' I said getting up and going outside. A part of me was curios to know what was so personal, but not wanting to invade his privacy I went downstairs.



I got up the bed too as I heard Y/n run downstairs.

'Is this about your confession to lady Y/n?' He asked.

'N- wait how did you know about that?' I asked surely the oaf wasn't stalking me.

'Clint recorded it when she was having er- periods.' he said.

'No it's about her powers. The thing is it's Asgardian magic. I told her about this before, I'm sure she is Asgardian.' I told my brother.

'Are you sure?' He said, uncertain.

'Yes, she touched me in my Asgardian form, without immediately getting Frost bite. And she is also adopted, so one of her parents at least must have been adopted.' I explained.

'So the thing is I want you to tell mother about this and ask her weather there has ever been a half Asgardian.' I said, I knew couldn't avoid Frigga forever but I couldn't face her after what I said to her.

'You know you can't avoid her forever Loki.' He said to me.

'I know but I can't face her already.'

'Okay, I'll tell her.' Oh thank god


I know I haven't posted in a while, but life has been hectic. My mental issues only grow. I'm more depressed and anxiety doesn't leave me. My family is only breaking more, so sorry if I haven't posting for a while.  


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