CHAPTER 2: Nightmare

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Warning: there are mentions of abuse in this chapter, If that doesn't bother you please enjoy

meme is not mine

................................................................................................................................................................ ' "You witch! Your a curse to this family!" screamed my mother as she                                                    slapped me. 

"Please mother, I'll never use my my magic." I whimpered.

" But you can do magic, can't you, your a freak! You deserve to die." she said and continued beating.

At this this point I lost it. I hadn't learned how to control my powers, it was dangerous mixed with anger and pain.

The next scream that was heard wasn't mine, it was my mother's. And I stood there, watching her die. My eyes were burning, my mother's dead body lied before me. I ran to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. My eyes were red.'

'Lady y/n, Lady y/n!

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'Lady y/n, Lady y/n!.' 

I woke up and looked around for the owner of the voice. Loki was leaning above me.

I conjured a dagger in my hand and pointed it at his throat. 

'What are you doing here.'

'I don't know, you were screaming and I wasn't able to sleep because of that, so I woke you up! Now I would appreciate it, if you could lower your dagger!'

Should I ask her about her mother? he thought.

'How much of the dream did you see?' I read his thoughts.

'Your a mind reader?'

'Yes now answer my question.'

'I saw...... everything."

'Don't tell anyone about this, understood.'


The dagger vanished. I saw him look confusedly at my hand again.

'Lady y/n, do you have any idea how you got your powers?'

'I had them from when I was born.'

'Were your parents from earth, maybe your father wasn't?'

I hesitated before telling him. 'My parents were from earth, but they weren't my biological parents.' At this, his expression softened, like as if I had hit some kind of soft spot.

'But, do you know who your actual parents were.'

'No, all I know is that I was left on the door step of an orphanage, at midnight with no note telling who it is. And then adopted by those abusive parents of mine. Why are you asking me this anyways.'

'It's just..... nothing.'

'I'm sure nothing wouldn't get the god of mischief interested in my powers.'

He hesitated before answering me. 'It's just, Your magic is.... Asgaurdian.'

'But that couldn't be possible.'

'Whatever, just forget that I ever told you this.' he said heading for the door.

'You don't tell anyone about what I told you, I won't talk about what you told me.' I said.

'Deal' he said and left.

He wasn't as bad as people told me. Was he nice to me? yes Was he my friend? no.


Short chapter, but don't blame me. I got a whole 30 paged project to write. And detention isn't helping me either, just because some homophobic bitch named Flora, decided to call me disgusting because I'm bi. So I sent her a link with a virus and she was stupid enough to click on it, so now I got detention, anyways bye my lovelies.

 So I sent her a link with a virus and she was stupid enough to click on it, so now I got detention, anyways bye my lovelies

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Of Love and War (Loki x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora