CHAPTER 3: New Friends??

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'Miss l/n, wake up.'

'I'm up Jarvis.'

'And call me Y/n.'

'Ok miss'

'What did I say?'

'Sorry, y/n'

7am, what did Jarvis wake me up for? And I definetly need some sleep after last night, even though nightmares are regular things for me.


'Yes, y/n?'

'What did you wake me up for?'

'Oh, miss Romanoff wanted to see you in the training room, though I think you need some breakfast before that.'

'Thanks Jarv.'

'Your welcome y/n'

........................ Time skip ( y/n eats her breakfast).................................

'Why did you ask me to come to the training room.'

'To train.'

'No I mean you could have asked anyone.' I said not exactly in the mood for training.

'Your living in the Avengers tower, you should know how to fight.'

'You don't have to live in the Avengers tower to know how to fight.'

'So you do know how to fight?'

'How else do you think little girl Y/n survived without parents?' I said getting ready to fight.

We fought for what felt like hours, at the end we called draw.

'Она хороший боец.' she muttered. ( She's a good fighter)

'Спасибо' (Thanks)

'You speak Russian?'

'No, its just one of the countries I've lived in.'

'Oh' she says confused, but decided not to push further.

'Anyway, take shower I wanted to take you to shopping.' she said heading for the door.

'What for?' I asked.

'So that you can have more than just ten clothes.'

'You took time to count how many clothes I have?'

She just shrugged and left.

------------------------------- time skip-------------------------------------

Going to the mall with Nat was hell. She kept insisting that I spend as much money as I can, while I, who was used to buying cheap things, kept insisting to use as less as I could.

Right now Nat was forcing me to wear a very expensive dress. I didn't want to wear it because it a little bit of my thigh.

'Nat I can't wear this.'

'Just try it on, don't worry about the money.'

'It's not about the money Nat.'

'Then what is it?'

I rolled up the sleeves of my jeans to reveal self- harm scars I had made with my dagger.

She forced me  into the changing room.

'What had happened that had forced you to make these scars?'

I decided there was no point in lying, she had already seen them. I started to tell her about my past. How my parents used to abuse me, how I killed my father in with my powers (not on purpose of course, how my mother found out about my powers by reading my dairy, how I ended up killing her, how HYDRA kidnapped me and how I've hiding my powers since then. At the end tears started to form in my eyes.

Suddenly Nat hugged me. This was not the reaction I was expecting.

'You- you don't think I'm a monster?'

'No, why would I? It wasn't your fault that they died. And they deserved it after what they did to you. You've only killed two people I've killed more.'I hugged her back.

'Okay Nat I think we just spent, 20 minutes in the changing room.'

Nat picked a dress in the end. It was green dress.


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Shopping for me is like actually going to hell. Sorry I'm very antisocial.

-Antisocial Rose 💕

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