CHAPTER 20: Crashing the Party

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We crept into into the building, and to the living room. There were a lot of people sitting in the living room, some of them unknown.



"Hey" We all greeted the Avengers. Their heads flipped in our directions, they looked surprized.

"You guys came back! You've been gone for months!" Exclaimed Tony.

"Wait I thought it was only 3 weeks."

"Y/n it's been 4 months." Said Nat.

"Time moves differently in Asgard." Loki explained. I looked around the room, there was a teenage boy, a red haired girl, a silver haired boy, a man with a metal arm and a man who was an android.

"A lot has happened since you were gone kid."

"Who are they?" Asked Thor. This was when every one noticed Thor's hair was pink.

"Did you do that?" Asked Steve while laughing.

"Me & Loki decided to do it." I confirmed, putting an illusion over his hair again.

"This is Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, Vision and Peter." said Tony.

"Hi." Said Wanda in a Sokovian accent.

"Your Sokovian?" I asked her.

"You know Sokovian Princessa?" Asked Pietro. 

"Yes, learnt it while I was on run from H.Y.D.R.A" I explained, The team looked confused at the gibberish, while Loki (who had All speak) was angry at Pietro for calling me princessa.

"Hi I'm Buck." Said the metal armed man.

"Y/n" I introduced. The other three did the same.

"Hello Mr. & Mrs. Laufeyson." Said the teenager nervously. I blushed.

"N-n-no we're not married." I told him.

"Oh I just assumed that- I'm Peter Parker by the way, Stark intern." I knew this wasn't a straight up lie, but this wasn't the truth either.

"I've used that excuse before." Peter looked surprized by that.

"Don't worry kid you can tell her." Assured Tony.

"I'm Spider-man then." 

"Hello spider-man." I said. This was  gonna be a long day.


Mr. & Mrs. Laufeyson.

-Rose  💕💓

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