Chapter 5

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Sebastians POV

Two weeks earlier

"Get off of me!" I screamed.

I had just came back from Los Angeles to finalize a few things with Disney. I was back in New York and couldn't wait to come home and relax. I went to the store to buy my girlfriend a rose bouquet. I felt like this was the one. We've been dating for almost a year now and she's been really understanding about my career.

When I got inside I called out her name. I placed my bags on the kitchen floor and started hearing music coming from my room. I walked up the stairs and heard the shower running.

I began smiling, what a freaky girl. Already naked and wet, waiting for me in the shower. I take off my clothes and was completely naked. I grabbed the flowers and opened the bathroom door.

"Baby?" I asked.

I looked in the shower and I saw her leaning against the glass shower walls moaning. I looked down and saw a random guy giving her head. Since the was music playing loud and she was moaning they never heard me walk inside.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I screamed and they both looked my way with shocked faces.

I left the bathroom and threw on my boxers. She ran out the bathroom and immediately started crying.

"I'm so sorry baby I'm so sorry! Please don't get mad at me! You've just been gone a lot lately and I didn't know if maybe you didn't want us anymore. Honestly I don't know what I was thinking!" She screamed and tried to give me a hug.

I pushed her away "Get off of me!" I screamed. I should've known that finding an actually good girl wasn't possible. Not when I have the life I live.

"Don't fucking touch her!" The guy yelled while yanking her away from me. I shoved him and pressed the security button by my bedside.

"Both of you need to get the fuck out of my house before I press charges!"

I looked at my now ex girlfriend who had her phone in her hand. "I'm sorry Sebastian please don't hit me anymore. I'm so sorry, please let me go. I'm tired of this abusive relationship," she screamed.

I was confused at what she was saying. Let her go? Abusive? I've never hit her once and I just told her to leave! I snatched the phone away and saw that she was recording everything on Instagram Live. What a fucking bitch.

I threw the phone against the wall and watched it shatter into pieces. Security came in and grabbed her and the guy. "You want to break up with me baby, fine! But I'm taking your career down with me!" She screamed. "And you owe me a new phone!"

"I bought that phone bitch! I don't owe you shit. Get them out of here!" I yelled at the security guards and sat on the edge of my bed. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. What did I do to deserve this?


A few days went by after the whole situation with my ex girlfriend. Everywhere on social media I was getting accused of being an abusive boyfriend. Tabloids stating that my character as the Winter Soldier played a part on my personality and that's why I'm violent. Just loads of crap that I now have to deal with.

My manager and my agent were always around now, trying their best to fix my image. I had a few weeks to clear things up before disney decided to end my contract. Other movie deals also decided to give me a few weeks to improve my look before they to decided to walk out. My life was absolutely shit right now and I had no idea how it was going to change.

My phone started ringing and I saw it was a Group FaceTime call from Chris and Anthony. I've been ignoring them since the incident happened but I know I couldn't avoid them forever.

"Yes?" I asked as I answered.

"Come on man, you're just gonna leave us hanging like that. We know you're not the bad guy in this situation. We're here for you," Anthony said and I sighed.

"Yea dude, we don't want you to feel alone. I never liked her anyways. Something didn't seem right," Chris said.

I appreciated them checking in on me but it was too soon. I just needed to be left alone.

"Look we'll let you go. But please know we're here for you if you need an ear. We love you," Anthony said and Chris agreed.

"I appreciate it," I said before hanging up the phone.

I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"We're in some shit!" My agent Kathy said. She was always screaming and she never knew how to make me feel better about something.

"Oh god," I said as I put a pillow over my head.

"Look buddy," my manager Danny said as he came in and sat on my bed. "We're going to go back to LA and do a few interviews. Maybe even host a few charity events and some meet and greets. We know you're not that bad guy here Seb, but this girl is coming for you, hard. You're going to have to show the world how good of a guy you actually are. Show them that she brought that bad side out of you. If we do this, the world will see that she was actually the problem, not you."

I sighed and sat up. "I'm not going to fake some shit for the world. I did nothing wrong here, she disrespected my house. Did I push her off of me? Yes. But not hard I just didn't want her touching me. Now I'm abusive because I'm upset she was fucking a guy in my house!" I said and my manager sighed.

"Yes Seb we get that but the world doesn't know that. Trust me you want them back on your side. Don't let this girl get the best of you."

I looked around the room and huffed. "Well what would be the sudden change in heart huh? The worlds going to know I'm just trying to kiss their ass so that they like me again. They won't think I'm actually trying to be a good guy." I sighed and my manager stayed quiet.

Exactly, he didn't always have a solution to everything. "We'll say you met someone!" He said and I immediately started laughing.

"Met someone?!" I asked. "That soon, come on Danny even you know how bullshit that sounds. Out of the blue I've met someone who instantly changed me. Now we're lying to the world huh? Just stop Danny, my career is over."

Kathy started crying and I rolled my eyes. I swear she was so dramatic, she should have been an actor instead of me.

"It'll work! We won't say it right away. Give it a week of you being a good citizen. Then we'll have an interview stating that you've found someone who understands the true you and is turning you around. Then a week later we'll have a few interviews with her, you'll pretend to date her for a few months and when the world likes you again, we'll let her go. It sounds good to me."

I sighed and laid back on the bed.

"And you know what, if it doesn't work out at least we tried. But in your situation, you're going to want to try, trust."

"And where will we find the girl?"

"It's not that hard to find a girl who's willing to publicly date you. Especially if we pay them good and have them sign a document for secrecy."

Danny patted the bed and got up. "Start packing sleeping beauty, we'll be back in LA by tomorrow." 

I sighed, I hated LA and I can't wait for this shit to be over.

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