Chapter 4

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Sebastian Stan...Sebastian fucking Stan was literally standing right in front of me. I was speechless on the inside, speechless. But once again, our policy is to not make celebrities feel different then our other customers.

"Hi Sebastian, my name is y/n and I will be your hostess for the night. Let me get you a table ready and we'll have a waiter ready for you in a bit."

He nodded his head and followed me to a table in the corner. He was with a girl and a guy. The girl was holding tons of folders and notebooks and the guy was typing away on his laptop. Sebastian was smiling at me waiting to hear what I had to say.

"What drink can I get started for you guys tonight?" I asked while trying hard to not stare just at Sebastian.

"Water," the girl said dryly and did not look my way.

"And for you sir?" I asked.

"Water." He stated. "But first, I'm not sure how you guys are here but I only drink bottled water. Do you understand? Bottled." He stated and I felt myself turning red. I took a deep breathe and looked at Sebastian.

"Yes and you?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"Water, but I don't care if it's from the faucet or bottled. Water is water," he stated and the other guy rolled his eyes.

"Of course sir," I said back.

"Thank you for helping us sweetheart," he said.

"I would help you with anything." I said back and my eyes widened. Did I really just say that out loud?

The girl and guy both looked up and raised their eyebrows at me. Sebastian looked shocked and he gave me a smirk and chuckled.

"A- a waiter will be out in a moment." I said nervously, quickly realizing my mistake.

"Actually can I speak to your manager?" Sebastian asked and my heart dropped.

I nodded my head yes and quickly went to grab the owner. At this point I knew I was going to lose my job, I have no idea why I would let something like that slip out of my mouth.  

I went back to the front and watched them talk my manager from around the corner. My manager continued to nod his head and began to walk back to me.

"Y/n?" He asked and I nodded my head yes, ready to be yelled at for almost sexually harassing a celebrity customer.

"Y/n, I know your not trained as a waitress but Mr.Stan said he wants you as his waitress instead."

Well I did not see this coming. I looked around the owner to see Sebastian staring this way with a grin on his face.

I nodded my head and quickly walked to the kitchen to tell everyone what was going on. "So, who is it?" One of the workers asked and I said "Sebastian Stan."

"Who?!" One of them said and a few of them looked confused.

"Sebastian Stan," I stated. "He's Captain America's best friend."

"Oooo hes handsome!" One of the ladies said and I nodded my head yes. "He looks even better up close."

"Wait how is he considered a Marvel man, he died in the movie. So technically he's not really in the movies like Iron Man or Thor is," one of the guys said.

A few of the girls rolled their eyes at him. "You have to keep watching the movies, then you'll understand," I stated.

"Wait so does that mean he didn't die?!" He asked and my eyes widened. I quickly grabbed the drinks and walked out the kitchen. I didn't want to spoil the movies for them.

Could you actually Stan an Evans?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ