Chapter 2

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"Hey guys," I said hesitantly as I walked in. My mom smiled at me and grabbed my hands.

"Hi baby, we're so proud of you," She said and my stepdad gave me a soft smile. I nodded my head to acknowledge what she said.  She sighed and looked me in my eyes. "We know how hard you've worked for this sweetie. But we can't afford to pay for it." She said and I gasped.

My mom and step dad were not broke so I didn't understand how they couldn't pay for it! How could they not help me out, how could they all of a sudden not afford to pay for me!?

My mom sighed when she felt how tense I became. "Look y/n, it has nothing to do with you. Trust me we wish we could help! But your brother already costs so much. Plus we are trying to find a bigger house to live in so that the baby on the way can grow up in a safer environment. Paying for your tuition is too expensive for us right now. It's not possible," my mom said.

Honestly I do understand how expensive things are for them right now. It's also true that I'm not an only child and my younger brother does have things that costs for him too. But still hearing that the school you worked for is unaffordable is not something you want to hear. But wait! My eyes widened and I looked at my mom and stepdad. Did they just say baby on the way?!

"Wait huh?!" I screamed and my mom started smiling before rubbing on her stomach. I gave her and my stepdad a hug. "I'm sorry sweetheart. It is just too much going on right now. I do hope you understand?" My stepdad said and I nodded my head.

I mean how could I get mad at them now? Plus I'm twenty years old and my younger brother is four. Now there's a baby coming. I understand that I can't be their top priority anymore. I also understand my moms urge to want another baby. It was just me for years until she met my stepdad. My mom had me at nineteen and my younger brother at thirty six. I was super excited for them. Even though I knew that this baby would look at me more as a mother then a sister due to our age gap. Technically we would be farther in age then my mom and I.

"So what am I going to do?" I asked.

"You are going to have to work my love. We will help you out as much as possible! But yes y/n you will need a job," my mom and I sighed. I've never had a job before. This makes me regret that major shopping spree I had earlier today.

A few days later

I've been looking for a job for the past few days. Casey has helped me put job applications in online and at this point I was open to anything. I needed help saving up a little bit before starting school in a few months. You would think finding a job in Los Angeles would be easy, but it's not.

My phone started ringing and I looked to see Casey calling. "Hey what's up?" I answered and she started squealing. "What's up?! I have a job opportunity for you!" She screamed and I started jumping up and down.

"Yes! Where at?!"

"This is the thing, it's a little high end. It's a new restaurant opening up in Hollywood. It's nothing special! It might not even take too well to the crowd over there. Its a family owned Italian restaurant but it's right Hollywood and only a block away from Beverly Hills."

"Oh my god! Thank you Casey, you don't understand how much you're helping me out right now, I needed this! How did you find it?"

"Well that's the thing. Mathew found it through Alex. Alex said his neighbor started a family business and were desperate for hire. But that's besides the point! You're going to possibly run into celebrities bitch! C. E. L. E. B. R. I. T. I. E. S!"

I was quiet. Although I was excited to finally have a job. I couldn't have a job that my ex boyfriend found for me. It just felt wrong. It felt as if I owed him something.

I continued to stay quiet and Casey sighed.

"Fuck I shouldn't have mentioned Alex," she muttered. Casey was never good at keeping a secret. If Mathew and Alex didn't want me to know that Alex helped me out with this, they should've never told Casey that.

"Come on y/n, it's honestly not that serious. It's not like he's even going to work there. If anything, look at it like he's doing his neighbors a favor instead of you."

That's true I guess, even though I was hesitant I couldn't turn down this opportunity. I needed a job and I wasn't in a place to have options.

"Alright," I said.

"Come on grumpy, did you even hear the best part?! CELEBRITIES BRO! You're going to run into celebrities. You're literally right there in celebrity town. If anything I wish I was you!" She said.

I started smiling hard thinking of how much fun this job could potentially be. Like I said, I wasn't in a place to have much options.

"What if I run into Chris Brown or Justin Bieber. Michael B. Jordan, Zac Efron, or Chris Evans." I said dreamily.

Although I had so many celebrity crushes. I've always had a thing for Chris Evans. Ever since I was a younger girl and watched him in "Fantastic Four" and "Not Another Teen Movie." I know he's an older celebrity and we have a twenty year age gap, but I didn't care I absolutely loved Chris Evans. But not in a stalker way as if I stalk his social media or try searching for the guy. I just can appreciate a sexy actor!

"That's the spirit!" said Casey. "Yes think about all the yummy eye candy you could potentially run into. All the celebrity gossip you might witness. You could even get famous on Tik Tok for exposing any of the "actually rude but you wouldn't think so" celebrities. Those Tik Toks get millions of views. Honestly you could even get an additional source of income by getting paid from Tik Tok." she stated.

That's true too, everyone was getting famous through Tik Tok now of days. I could definitely give it a shot. We stayed on the phone for hours talking about all the fun stuff I might encounter while working there. Maybe this job could change my life forever?

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