"How are you feeling?"

My head whips around thinking I heard him wrong. Did he just ask about my well-being again?.
"I'm okay." I whisper and he pulls me to his side and kisses my forehead.
See how confusing he is?  He's not a bad looking guy and could get anybody he wants. In a different life if he wasn't the anti-christ I would have given him a chance. I feel his hand travel up my skirt again.Damn I should have worn pants.

We arrive at the hotel and that ride was too long.Ambrossio being the sex addict he is fucked me the entire ride.I climb out the car with shakey legs and he smirks.Bastard.We make our way to the lobby of one of the hotels they own.At check in the receptionist  the cute Asian girl starts flirting with him and he looks like he's about to snap.Shiid If only another woman can catch his attention so he can let me the fuck go.

"Give me my fucking keys so my woman and I can go to our room.You're fired."

The woman stares at him in shock and I almost want to laugh.He's blunt with everyone. He doesn't give a damn who you are.He leads me to the elevator as his men follow us like programmed robots. I swear I've never seen them blink,smile or take a bathroom break.

We get to the top floor and see our meal already laid out.This penthouse is gorgeous. It has high ceilings, the furniture look like they were custom designed and white marble floor.The walls are all glass so you have a 360 view of the city and there's a terrace.He takes my hand and lead me to our room which is just as elegant but there is way too much sunlight coming through. I walk over to the glass to see if there is a way to lessen the light but I don't see any curtains to pull.

"Something wrong?"

I turn to see him standing shirtless with his defined arms and abs on display.My sex tightens again.Down girl.

"There's too much sunlight coming through."

He nods and reaches for a remote.The glass darkens blacking out the sunlight.Fancy.He walks up to me and unzips my dress.
"Let's take a shower then eat."
I nod desperately needing to wash away the stickiness from our activity in the car.

I walk into the bathroom to see the bath was already filled. He was way ahead.I finish undressing and he motions for me to sit in the tub.I step in moaning from the feel of the warm water soothing my aching body. He pulls me to him and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"What do you like?"

My head turns slowly towards him. My mind goes a mile a minute. He's spoken to me but it's always to tell me what to do or what I should do.

"Kitten it's just a question."

I still don't trust him.Why care now?
"I like to do programming."

He hums "But your job is in business management."
I nod "I program for fun.Business is my career."
It gets quiet again and I can tell having small talk is uncomfortable for him. I don't know what possessed me but I decide to ask something that's been plaguing me for a while.

"Why did you take me? I couldn't possibly offer you anything?"

It's a question that's plagued me for a while.If you take away the psychotic part of him, he's an attractive 30-year-old man who can get any woman he wants.He's obviously more experienced in a lot of areas Then there's me who's a little awkward and has abandonment issues.He turns me to sit on his lap.

"You're ass caught my attention,then your beauty. But your fear excites me."

My fear? I stare at him confused.
I gasp as he slides inside me.
"Your fear makes me hard.You're the only woman to see the monster inside me instead of the mask."

Later in the evening I walk around the apartment confused by his revelation. If I hadn't shown fear could I have avoided all of this? Ambrossio left to go handle some business and allowed Angelo to keep me company.I turn when I hear a knock at the bedroom door. I walk to the door expecting to see Angelo but who I see surprises me.


I pull her into a hug and cry.She hugs me as we both weep.We pull away from our embrace and she's dressed in a maids uniform. I look around to see if there's any guard standing in the hallway and close the door.I walk  her to the couch and hug her again.Then I get scared that this is another one of Angelo's plans.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me? Did he take you?

She shakes her head

"I moved to LA after I realize I haven't been hearing from you. I was worried because you  usually replied to my messages. After I used your spare keys and waited at your apartment for days you didn't come home.Then I checked with your company and  no one has seen you. That's when I filed a police report and started searching. I've been living in your apartment but I decided to get work to make sure I have money. With you gone the rest of the family are trying to get your estate and I know you saved money for me but I still wanted to make sure that I had enough money to keep looking for you and to take care of myself.When you walked in the lobby I was coming off break but you didn't see me."

I pull her into another hug. She's the only one who even realized that something was wrong and I was missing.

"Jenelle,more importantly what are you doing with the Vitale Mafia?"

I stare at her surprised that she even knew who they were and I didn't.

"Girl living in the hood, You get to know a lot and who to stay away from and their Mafia is number one to stay away from."

I told her everything that's been going on and we end up crying again. She's threatening more than once to kill him consequences or not for doing all he's done to me over the last few months.

"His mother hates me and doesn't want me to be with him or have this baby."

I tell her about his mother's plan and we need to do it before I'm formally introduced to the mafia. If people still don't know my face  it's easier to escape before they figure out who I am.

"You're pregnant?" I nod

"Are you keeping it?" I hesitate and I don't know why. All this time I've said I don't want  this child.How can I even have this baby who will share the same genes as that monster

"No.I can't have it."

She nods understanding.

"I need you to do something. The account that I created for you I need you to take all the money out of it. When I escape I need to be completely off the grid. You will need to come with me because they know who you are and have threatened to kill you."

I see fear cross her face but she nods. I hear another knock and this time when we look up it's Angelo.

"Thank you for helping me.I'll let the hotel know you did a great job."

Natasha looks at me weird before playing along and leaves.As much as I care for Angelo and want to believe he's different.I need to remember that this is still his family.He spends the rest of the evening with me as we laugh and watch movies on the couch.

I feel a sense of calm knowing that I'll be free soon.

Her Unknown Fate (BWWM) © BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now