Chapter 8: What Would You Do Without Me?

Start from the beginning

"How was your city outing with Nico?" Austin asked him.

"It actually went pretty well! I think Nico got a bit uncomfortable being around so many people, but he was doing better. I mean, he was feeling well enough to hold my hand in public."

"He held your hand in public?!" Kayla repeated him.

Will laughed. "I was a bit surprised too, but it was really nice."

"I hope that I can have a relationship like yours someday." Kayla said.

"I'm sure you will. Wait a bit though, okay? You're too young to be dating."

"I know."

After breakfast was over and Chiron made some announcements, it was time to wake up his boyfriend.

Him and Nico came up with an agreement some months ago that Will would wake him up at 9 every morning.

Once he got to the Hades' cabin, Will balanced the breakfast tray that he had gotten Nico on one hand and he knocked on his door with the other. Will always knocked first, just in case he was already up. When he didn't hear a reply, he opened the door.

The room was pitch black, so he turned on the light and opened up the black curtains. He set the tray on Nico's nightstand and then he started shaking Nico.

After about 5 minutes of this, Nico finally groaned and rolled over. Nico was a very heavy sleeper, they needed to work out a new strategy on how to wake him up in the morning.

"Nico, it's time to wake up." He said gently.

Nico groaned again, but didn't move.

Will sighed. Nico was light, so Will picked him up and made him sit upright in his bed. That seemed to wake him up a bit more, and he opened his eyes.

Nico saw Will. "Oh, hey. It's that time already?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"Yep. I have your food right here." Will said, pointing to the tray.

After Nico finished his food, he stood up. "Alright, out. I'm going to get dressed."

"You won't fall asleep this time?"

Nico shook his head. "I won't."

"Okay. 10 minutes to put your clothes on, any longer than that and I'm coming back in to check on you."

"Okay, okay." His sleepy boyfriend said.

Once Nico was dressed and ready to go, Nico walked out of his cabin, and the two of them started their daily activities.

At a certain time every Thursday, Will's cabin and Nico had to do crafts with the Aphrodite cabin. It wasn't fun, but Will didn't complain. He didn't like to complain about things.

At one point, Drew started talking about all of the battles she had been in, and bragging about how she had been important in stopping Kronos.

Will never liked to get into arguments, and he mostly stayed quiet as he listened to her brag, but when she said that she did all of the work defending the bridge, Will froze.

Will could take people's crap with a smile. He was known for being calm and collected and not letting emotions get to him. But there was no way he was going to sit there letting Drew talk about defending the bridge when he knew very well that she didn't do a thing when Kronos came. He remembered that she was in a beauty store when the rest of them, including the rest of her cabin, were fighting. He especially wasn't going to let her talk that way when his brother sacrificed his life on that bridge.

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