I'm going to regret this. What if we go over a bridge? Do you want to forever be scared? Stop being a little bitch. Ugh. "Whatever," I say and get in the passenger seat. I put my seatbelt on and hold the door handle.

A girl with a checkered flag stands in the middle of the road. You know the type of girl you see in the Fast and Furious franchise? Yeah, that's who we are waiting on to draw the flag.

The cars rev their engines and my heart is pounding out of my chest. Oh god, what was I thinking? "I can't," I blurt. "I'll wait." I yank on the door handle but it's locked.

"Too late," Julian grins and a second later, the girl with the flag gives the signal and all the cars racing speed off including us. I squeeze my eyes shut, gripping the handle tight until my knuckles turn white. "Wooo Hooo!" Julian exclaims in excitement then laughs. Meanwhile I feel like I'm about to hurl up all the finger foods from the banquet. "This is what I'm talking about!"

I don't know how fast we're going, but the feeling is equivalent to dropping from the tallest roller coaster. My stomach fell into my ass the second we took off. Why did I put myself in this position? What's wrong with me? I'm certainly not feeling the adrenaline rush Julian is clearly feeling.

"Come on, open your eyes, it's not that bad," he says with a laugh.

I slowly peak my eyes open. "Oh god," I speak in distress. Looking out Julian's window, TJ was keeping up with him, both of them in the lead. "What the fuck was I thinking?" I ask myself. My eyes widen when I see what's up ahead. "Are we going over that?" I question nervously at the bridge coming up.

"Yeah, but it's not long," Julian brushes off as he switches gears.

"Stop the car," I can't help but say as I'm trying to catch my breath, but the thought of spinning out of control and crashing on the bridge is making me hyperventilate.

"I can't just stop, I got money riding on this," he speaks like I'm the ridiculous one.

"I don't care! Stop the car. Let me out." What was I thinking? I'll get over my fear of bridges later, not during a drag race!

"Matty, calm down, we'll be off it faster than we'll be on. It's fine."

"Julian, stop the car! I'm going to throw up, is that what you want?!" I exclaim, sitting up and wondering if I'd die if I open the door to tuck and roll.


"Stop the fucking car, Julian!"

He groans in frustration, but complies, TJ flying past us and the others racing swerve out of the way. Julian slams on the brakes, my body jolting forward until the seatbelt locks, keeping me from hitting the dashboard. We finally come to a stop on the side of the road, just seconds away from the bridge. I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and nearly spill out of the passenger side. Leaning forward, I vomit into the muddy grass.

Julian slams his car door shut and comes up to me. "Jesus, Matty, you just cost me 2K."

After wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I shove Julian back a step. "What the fuck, Julian? I don't care about your money!" I seethe.

"Relax. You're fine," he says to me, his palms up.

"Relax? I'm fine?" I viciously swipe away the tears that started to fall. "My parents drowned in a lake after driving off a bridge. I Almost fucking died that night! When I tell you I want to get the fuck out of the car, I wanna fucking get out." I don't normally let my emotions take over, but Julian's carelessness is pissing me off and the fear of experiencing a crash again is making me tear up.

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