The Master Plan

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  in the dark alleyways of Hosu city, we see a man in a black suit.  The outfit has hanging wires from his entire body as well as spinning saw blades around his wrists.  He was the vigilante known as the Crawler, now he's the dark assassin known as Massacre.  He is currently hunting a weak thug that a man wanted killed for not repaying his debt.  Massacre jumped on top of the man when he found him.  Before the weakling could react, his head was shreded off from the rest of his body.

  "(sigh) Target terminated."

  He left the body, but took the head to show to his client.  After getting paid he quickly hurried back to base sense Zeiram was holding a meeting today.  He hadn't actually met the rest of the society yet, so he was kinda nervous.  He quickly ran in when he arrived.  What he wasn't expecting however was to bump into a literal giant.

  "Who are you, what business you have here?"  The giant asked.

  When the massive man spoke he also lifted up his arm, ready to attack the newcomer.

  "Gigantomachia, stand down.  He is our newest and last member."  Zeiram stated as he walked in.

  With hearing that, Gigantomachia stopped his attack and let Massacre in.  After a bit everyone had arrived and was in the main room.

  "Now before we get started, I'd like to introduce you all to Koichi Haimawari or as we will call him, Massacre.  Massacre these are Gigantomachia, Nine, Touya Todoroki otherwise known as Dabi, Shin Nemoto otherwise known as Veritas, and Fumikage Tokoyami otherwise known as Mikaboshi."

  "Wait, aren't you one of the students at UA?"  Massacre asked while pointing at Tokoyami.

  "I am, but Zeiram opened up my eyes. So now I am a spy for us against the fake hero's."

  "Ok now for why I called you all here.  We will be commencing our plan.  I never exactly told any of you what it was, just gave an idea on what our goal is.  I had realized that over time, this world is unsaveable.  Everyone from hero's to citizens is corrupt.  But after a long time, I have figured out how to fix it.  Recently Nine acquired a quirk from a citizen.  the quirk makes it so that any person the user has ever seen in their life, they can make an exact duplicate of the person.  The catch is that thee user though can edit the brain of the duplicate to his liking.  With this, we are finally able to fix this society.  You see I'm not just planning on killing all hero's, that wouldn't fix anything.  What we are gonna do is wipe out all of humanity and start it from scratch.  We will murder the world and redo everything except with us in charge.  Now I bet you are all wondering how we would do this?  Well what you all failed to probably notice was that any time I had a fight or meet one of you, I planted a bud in that location.  The buds are a creation of my quirk and will be our salvation."  Zeiram finished as he held out a bud to show them.

  "Master, how exactly will we deal with al those hero's that will likely try to stop us though?"  Massacre asked.

  "The buds are more then just for extinction, they also create these humanoid monsters that will serve us.  Also you must wear these, they will make it so you don't get killed when the timer is done." 

  Zeiram then showed these little clips that were also made out of his quirk.

  "I have taken a old run down 20 floor building, you all will go to separate locations to make the hero's think I am somewhere else.  The reason for this is cause my quirk is the thing powering our weapon, so we need my quirk activated at all times to succeed.  So let's go and make this world better!"

Now days later we see the hero's at UA talking about what to do next to stop Zeiram.  But as they were gonna fully discuss, one of the students ran in.

  "Sir, are you seeing this!  It's being broadcasted across the world!"  Kaminari shouted as he turned on the tv in the faculty room.

  "People of the world."  Zeiram said  "We are the Abominate Assassin Society, and we have decided that this world is too corrupt.  In the time span of 5 days, you all will become extinct.  This isn't a bluff.  We will wipe you all out and create a new, better world in the aftermath.  So you should all probably say goodbye to your loved ones, and accept your inevitable deaths.  Goodbye, and farewell.... Humanity."

  The feed then shut off.  All the hero's were paralyzed in fear and surprised.  Even Nezu was aww struck about what he heard.  But after snapping out of it quickly got to work.

  "You recorded the video footage correct?"  Nezu asked Powerloader.

  "Yes."  He replied.

  "Good, give it to me."

  Nezu quickly got to work tracking were the signal had been broadcasted from.  Something that powerful had to have been from something with enough signal.  He also was rewatching the video when he noticed a weird humanoid ball of flesh behind them.  Nezu decided to scan the thing as well by switching the video to a lens that makes it able to see energy, and noticed that it's power was rising.  He also noticed that the energy was attached to Zeiram.  Nezu then relized what their plan was, and it scared him.

  "The villain was right.  They aren't doing a bluff."

  "Are you sure sir?"  Ectoplasm asked.

  "Yes, Zeiram has created these weird monsters with his quirk.  It seems that they are charging up energy.  I see that in 5 days, they will be fully charged and release that energy.  The energy it will release is Electromagnetic.  So the blast will be like an E.M.P except it will be enough to cover the whole world.  The blast though, won't be to shut off power, but to shut off everyones heart.  The man is literally planning, to purge the world."

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