Page ꒰7꒱

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We got to the car where I saw Adriana and Mateos worried faces

"Oh honey come here" Adriana said before jumping out the car to help put me in

Surprisingly for Adrianas height she is very strong

"Ok I'm going to need one of you to come with me" Gio spoke after I was settled in the car

"I'll stay with Quinn" Adriana said looking at me

Mateo and Gio quickly got out the car heading to the shoot out

The truck was completely silent for a good 5 minutes before Adriana finally said something

"So...... how's work been" she said looking up at me


"I've missed you"

I sighed before talking again "I miss you to"

I can see her start to smile out of the corner of my eye which makes me smile a little to

But that feeling soon goes away she she tightens the bandage


"I'm sorry I'm sorry you were distracted"

She continues to wrap my wound right before we see Antonio Gio and Matteo running up to the car

If I hadn't got shot I would've completely forgot we were in the middle of a shoot out

Adriana quickly unlocks the doors and all three men climb in

Gio and Antonio in the front while Matteo gets in the back with us

Matteo reaches over me to the duffel bag on the floor pulling out guns you only see in movies

"What the fuck are you doing" I say moving over to Adrianas side

"Listen Quinn some of those fuckers are still following us and I'm not driving all the way to my home with them on my ass so hold on tight and cover your ears" Gio said swerving the car

The car was silent for a while before Matteo rolled his window down and started shooting

Adriana and Antonio did the same while I just sat there hearing cars screeching honking people screaming until I blacked out


I'm not sure if it was blood lost or whatever but I must've been out for a while because I woke up with some little boy staring at me

He had the biggest brown eyes the cutest smile he looked mixed though like you could tell he was half black he kinda reminded me of G-


"Excuse me" I said sitting up laughing a little

"Your pretty"

"Oh thank you, you're cute"

"Thank you"

Then he just sat there staring at me

"Um what's your name"

"Josiah but you can call me Jo"

"Ok Jo I'm Quinn and where is your parents"

"Daddy is downstairs he doesn't know I'm up here shhhh" I wonder which of the three men is his daddy

"Ok I'll be quieter" I said whispering

"Where's your mommy" 

"I don't know..... wanna make some pancakes"

"Ok" I said getting up but quickly falling back down on the bed

"Ahh you ok want me to get daddy"

"No no no it's ok I was just moving to fast hold on"
I said as I slowly stood up limping a little

"Here lemme help you" Josiah said quickly running to my side

"Aww thank you"

We slowly made our way out of the room and I immediately remember this is the same house from when I was punched in the face

But what's funny to me is I don't ever remember seeing this little boy 

We finally made it to the last step Josiah was about to help me to the kitchen before someone called for me

"She's gone QUINNS'S GONE"  I heard Matteo yell before he looked up seeing me and Josiah standing at the bottom of the stairs

"Oh there you are" he let out a sigh "She's over here guys false alarm"

As he's saying that Gio Adriana Leo and another women I'm never seen before run from around the corner

They stare at me then at Josiah then back to me

"Um Josiah what did I say about talking to strangers" Gio said picking him up

"Quinn's not a stranger daddy she's pretty and she was gonna fix me pancakes"

I guess that's why he reminded me of Gio

"Good morning everyone" I said breaking the silence

"Good morning Quinn" they all said at the same time even the new women

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