17 | the walk lead to problems

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After a while Eleanor had sent them in telling them they had to go and eat some food. When night had began to come upon them, Eleanor had decided she was going for a walk to clear her mind.

She didn't know why she didn't trust Rachel's mum, but she wasn't going to work it out whilst sat outside a house that made her feel nothing but paranoia and overall darkness.

Apparently a lot can happen in thirty minutes. People can die, summon a demonic father, find out their mother is a traitor, trap everyone who isn't in the house out of the house and over all chaos.

And on her half an hour walk, lead to chaos. Of course, Eleanor didn't start it but she sure as hell played apart in it. Maybe if she had stayed like she told Dick she would, none of it would happen.

Eleanor Shelby had always believed people should trust their feelings and instincts, because they're there for a reason. But she had ignored hers, brushing them off as paranoia.

But it was not paranoia and Eleanor was an idiot. Gar and Rachel needed her and she had left them. She should have waited until Dick and Donna came back to go on a walk, but she hadn't.

Eleanor stood outside the house, unsure why there was an invisible force field stopping her going in. She stepped back and tried to call Dick — however her phone that had been on fifty three percent died the second it began to dial.

"F-Fuck!" She shouted, looking back to see a car pulling up by the road behind the trees. A car with Dick, Donna and Kory.

Eleanor felt guilty flood her system. She had led to two younger teens being put in danger. She had risked them for a walk. What kind of person does that?

Kory, Donna and Dick rushed through the trees, standing beside the teenager.

"What the fuck is going on?" Donna questioned.

"The air . . . it's shimmering."

"I can't get passed a certain point, there looks like there's no house and my phone completely cut out. The house isn't right, and I don't think her mum is too." Eleanor spoke, staring at the shimmering air. "Total guess, but I have a high feeling, they're not alone in there."

"You were supposed to watch them!"

"I'm so-so-sorry, Dick."

"You're sorry? They're in danger, Eleanor." Dick didn't bother to look at the teenager before rushing forward, despite being shouted to wait. However, unlike Eleanor he had managed to get through.

"Come on." Kory rushed out, carefully talking Donna and Eleanor's arms into hers.

The three rushed forward, at first rejected by the wall.

"Dick got through, why can't we?"

Kory began to blast the misty air and not stop. Donna and Eleanor had watched, impatiently and waiting for the woman to stop draining herself.

They had watched for a while before Donna stoped her. "Would you just just stop blasting it? You're wasting all your power."

Kory turned to the other two, panting. "Rachel is in there. Anything could be happening to her."

"Says the woman who was sent here to kill her. Okay, now that she and Dick are in there wish some intergalactic demon, maybe you could try something that might actually work?"

"Dear G-god." Eleanor groaned quietly to herself, searching her leather jacket for a hair bobble, she found one and pulled her hair out of her face, tying it back with the band.

"Like what, Donna? Or were you hoping the sheer force of your criticism would save her?"

"At least I'm not draining my powers, just because I can't sit still."

The two had began stepping forward to each other.

"Says the Titan who quit."

"Oh, you really wanna go there? Right now?"

The two were fairly close to each other — Eleanor would be lying if she didn't admit that she expected they were going to kiss. But they didn't kiss, and she was a little disappointed.

The three turned to see a car pulling up.

"Hey, don't stop on my account. I like where that was heading."

"Jason?" Kory and Eleanor questioned.

"That's right! The goddamn cavalry had arrived."

"Da-Dawn! H-Hank!" Eleanor realised who he was with. A bright smile on her face, she hadn't know them as well as she did Donna and Dick, but she still adored them.

The girl had darted over, wrapping her arms tightly around Dawn.

"Hello, small Shelby." Dawn smiled, holding the teenager before the girl let go.

Eleanor appeared in front of Hank, her arms wrapped around him. He hugged her back very quickly before she appeared between Kory and Donna.

Dawn and Hank had not expected Nathan's little sister to be able to do that. Neither had expected the teenager to still be excitable let alone able to teleport.

"What the fuck is that? And why is it wearing Dick's costume?"

"The new and improved Robin."

"The annoying new Robin."

Hank and Jason looked at each other.

"Who's your friend?" Dawn asked the two she knew, looking at Kory.

"Hank, Dawn, this is Kory Anders." Donna greeted, using her hand to highlight the woman. "She's an alien."


"What? It's true."

"N-no-one introduces pe-people as human or al-aliens." Eleanor spoke, looking between the two.

"Precisely." Kory agreed, gesturing the pink haired girl. "And you could have out a little more love into it." She stated, before turning to the three who had joined them. "Well, I wish we were meeting under better circumstances."

"Why are you guys here?"

"Rachel got inside of her head at the hospital."

"Yeah, I think she woke me up from my coma. She's in there, isn't she?"


"So what the fuck is going on here?" Hank asked, looking between the three women who were already here.

Eleanor pursed her lips, looking back at the mist with a sheepish smile. She turned to them. "I, uh, I left t-two ki-kids inside a house with a p-pos-possible psy-cho-chopath, and n-now they're with the inter-intergalactic fa-father of one of th-them. An-and D-D-Dick is disa-disappointed in m-me."

"Rachel's father is a being called Trigon. And if we can't stop him here, he'll destroy your world. Then move on, and destroy countless others. Our scriptures stated Trigon can only fully inhabit your world after he breaks Rachel's heart. Eleanor's going through some personal issues."

"We're talking metaphors, right?"

"We don't know, but if we don't get through that force field  and into the house in there, I'm afraid we're never gonna find out."

Hank looked at them. "Kid should've asked us to get fucking Superman."

The six stood next to each other, staring at the misty wall made of air. In only a small while of standing there, a bright light pieced the wall, invading their sight.

"Oh, great. That's not concerning."

"Well, s-see you on th-the other side." Eleanor shrugged, stepping forward.

A hand grabbed her wrist stopping her going through. "Uh, let's wait kid."

"I-I can't d-d-die." She shrugged watching Hank's hand fall through her wrist before stepping through the light.

Then Donna, Jason, Dawn, Hank and Kory.

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