03 | the coloured hair crew

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Dick had found a barn for them to show off in. He wanted to know their moves, telling them it was vital for him and others to know. "Okay. In order to work together, fight and defend yourselves like a coordinated team, we gotta see what each other can do." He stared at the four. "Any volunteers?"

The teenagers avoided Dicks eyes.

Eleanor and Gar had turned to look at the walls whilst Rachel looked over at the other three with powers (and colourful hair).

Eleanor was amazed that she and Kory had similar shades of hair, she had decided that for that reason the older woman was the best person in the whole world. So yes, Eleanor bad decided she was the founder of the Kory fan-club.

"Kory," Dick decided, coming to the conclusion that it was best to go in age order, "Rachel said you can create light, heat. Is that right?"

"Honestly, I'm still trying to figure it out."

"Okay, let's figure it out together. How exactly does it work?"

"I think it comes from the sun. I can absorb its power and direct it." Explained Kory, with the help of hand gestures. "I'm weaker at night, though. Sometimes empty, and it takes me a while to recharge."

"How long?"

"Few hours, a day? I don't know."

Gar and Eleanor watched Kory in amazement before she had even begun to show off.

"Can you control it?"

"Of course."

Eleanor had decided that Kory was her new role model, the woman was amazing and beautiful and had a similar hair colour as her. Mainly it was the hair selling it to her.

"Okay." Dick turned around before pointing at a tractor. "Could you hit that tractor?"

Kory looked at and gave a tiny nod. "Watch." She told them, stepping forward. Red light took over her body and hair, before fire shot from her hands and decimated the hole near the tractor. "Suppose I could use a bit of practice." She said, stepping back into place.

"Sick!" Gar laughed, holding his hand out.

The magenta haired woman high-fived him, burning him a little.

Dick turned to Eleanor, who had been hoping he'd not notice her, forgotten her or she's unwillingly turned invisible. "Eleanor."

Eleanor let out a huff. "Dick." She muttered in response. She wasn't too sure if she was insulting him or using his name — she supposed it was a bit of both . . . it was always a bit of both.

Dick got that, finding amusement in it as well as her worried look. "What can you do? Is it just teleporting?"

She teleported to where Kory had stood (before she had shot a beam of fire from her hand, like a true goddess) and shook her head. "There are a few things, actually, and none of them are what you expect."

"No mind control then?"

"Nada. Still very offended by that and the sexist ways of the Shelby genes."

"Can you control them?"

"Yes, yes, basically . . . not really but it kicks in when I'm in danger." She told him, her arms wrapped around her waist. Her leather jacket had been left at the motel, leaving her in her white turtle neck and velvet dress.

"What can you do?"

"Teleportation, levitation, invisibility and intangibility." She listed, nodding slightly. "Uh, do you have a knife?"

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