15 | the mad woman

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Gar was thrown at Dick when he entered. Eleanor took one look at the scene before appearing directly in front of Rachel and her mother — at leats she thinks it's her mother, then again she was unconscious and missed most of it.

Kory stepped closer.

"H-hey, Kory. Rem-mem-member me?" She tried, pulling her lips into an awkward grin as best as she could. "See there's a slight pro-problem in your mi-mission. You forgot about us." Eleanor pointed out, hoping Donna's lasso would come before Kory burned the house down.

Kory ignored her words, her arm outstretched, her eyes glowing green and her body red.

"Ah, fu-fuck!" Eleanor whispered, she screwed her eyes closed for a brief second.

Maybe now she'd be reunited with her family. Her Nathan, her mum, her dad. Maybe now the Shelby family would find peace together. Or maybe they moved on unlike her.

She grasped at the idea that death waited, that her family waited for her. But would they? She really hoped they would. She hoped the love she felt was mutual and that she wasn't just a burden.

"Stop." Donna said (allowing a breath of relief to fall from the older teenagers lips) as her lasso wrapped around Kory's neck.

Eleanor pried her eyes open to see it had in fact happened and that she was still alive.

Kory turned to Donna and tugged on the glowing material. Donna did the same before rolling on the floor. She stood up pulling Kory forward before bashing the magenta haired woman's head on the floor.

Rachel let out a scream from behind Eleanor.

It seemed the woman was unconscious.

Eleanor appeared in front of Dick and Gar. She took the green haired boy into her arms, checking him over. "Hey, y-you okay?"

"Yeah." Gar gasped as Eleanor guided him to be sitting up. "Nice catch." He said to Dick who stood his other side.

Rachel and her mother stood up too.

"What happened?" Dick asked.

Eleanor kept her arms around Gar, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

"She tried to kill my daughter."

"Y-you mu-must be the mother we n-nearly died for." Eleanor spoke, her eyes scanning over the blondish woman. "I'm o-on to you."

"You must be Eleanor Shelby."

"Th-that's what he keeps s-saying."

Gar nudged her, silently scowling her for her first words to the broken woman.

"Rachel?" Dick asked the teenager as she came close. He ignored Eleanor's words, knowing she was on edge and tense.

"I was trying to help Kory get her memory back." Rachel explained, glancing back at the knocked out woman. "I must have done something wrong."

"N-no." Eleanor said, reaching out and taking the blue haired girl hands gently into hers. She ran her thumb over the girls skin. "Kory h-had a mission. You were h-her mission. Things just g-got out of ha-hand and mem-memory loss made it a betrayal. This i-isn't your fault." She promised.

Rachel stepped over to her.

Eleanor let go of Gar for a second before wrapping her arms around Rachel's. Her hold was much more comforting then her mums. Maybe it was the trust already built.

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