01 | the dinner of a lifetime

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Covington wasn't as dark as Gotham. She rather preferred the latter, it cleared her mind and allowed danger to free her. Even when she was young and innocent the life of danger intrigued her and made her feel safe.

Normally she sat on her bed, her laptop in front of her and watched Netflix or read books to try and distract her mind. There was never silence in her room, music played as loudly as she could without getting complaints.

The silence was life not worth living. Silence allowed her mind to wander to the fear and the trauma. Eleanor was not down to think about the pain and suffering. And with that came the fact that she always wore her best clothes, she loved to look good even if it was for her own company.

Today had been no different. The pink-haired girl wore a white turtle neck under her black velvet dress, one of which fell to her mid-thigh and was only think straps. The dress wasn't tight-fitting, it still showed her shape, but didn't was still easy to move, eat and breathe in. Her black heeled boots stood beside her bed for when she would go downstairs.

Like every day, a tap at her door made her stop her music. "El, I have someone I want you to meet."

Eleanor pushed herself off her bed, and opened her bedroom door, smiling at Garfield Logan, otherwise known as Gar.

Eleanor had taken it upon herself to be Gar's much cooler older sister. Whilst he was fifteen, she was eighteen, something she often held over his head.

Gar being her 'younger brother' really helped her. He played the part rather well and almost made her forget that if her parents hadn't died she would have had a baby sibling.

Of course, she did have an older brother once, but that wasn't someone she could look after, that was someone who looked after her. Of course, she did have to look after her younger cousins and her aunty when she lived with her uncle, but they were safe now and he was in prison.

"Had Gar met a girl?" She teased, taking her cheeks into her hand as some women do with newborn babies.

Gar batted her hand away, his face turns pink. "Shut up." He complained, pulling a face at her. "Will you come down for dinner? You didn't last night."

And so she hadn't. Instead, Eleanor had spent most of yesterday in her room crying and shaking as she could only witness the things she desired not to see. Pain and trauma echoed in her mind despite the loud music. Nothing could block out the mental scars that seemed to have itched to bleed again.

And bleed they had. Leaving Eleanor bed rested and unable to make herself eat or drink or move for anything.

Eleanor moved deeper into her room, grabbing her heeled boots and pulled them on. She zipped up the side of them before appearing in front of Gar.

"Come on then, introduce me to love girl," Eleanor said, stepping completely out of her bedroom and linking her arm with his. She pulled her door shut and walked down the stairs with her 'brother', forcing him to skip down empty hallways.

However, as they neared the dining room, Gar unlinked his arm and made the joyous girl walk normally and stop singing 'we're off to see lover girl' in the tune of 'we're off to see the wizard'.

Gar believed Eleanor was the annoying older sister who was out to embarrass him — and he was correct. She lived for those moments.

She laughed lightly before walking into the dining room, Gar scrambling after her.

His eyes widened as Eleanor made her way to Rachel with an inviting yet excited smile that made him question her motifs.

"Hi, I'm Eleanor." She told her.

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