11 | the sketchy asylum comes with a side of pain

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Dick, Kory and Eleanor had wasted no time in deciding to get to the asylum. They simply had waited for Eleanor to change from her blood stained dress to a fresh dress. She had swapped her dress for a short t-shirt dress. She had taken her tights off and kept her Nike pros on.

She hadn't bothered bringing her phone or leather jacket as it would just be extra bulk. She had strapped pocket knife to her waist, after hiding a holster under her dress. Her hair was tied up.

And very soon the three were stood out side the snowy asylum.

"What are the chances our two geniuses haven't got caught yet?"

"You've met Gar right? Love him, but no."

"Next security sweep is in ten minutes. Let's go."

The two pink / magenta haired females followed Dick, holding touches when they got inside. The torch he had to provide her with, because she had taken nothing but a handy pocket knife — which she liked to point out had a tiny fork and screwdriver amongst many things.

The building was grimy and dark, much to the teenagers distaste. Water dripped from the ceiling, echoing around the long tunnels.

Eleanor hated every second of being in there. She really hoped the water and murk wouldn't ruin her heeled boots — as painful as they are wearing for the past few days with no break, she really loved them.

"Left when we get to the end of the tunnel."

When they reached a corner, they watched as someone in a wheelchair move forward.

"Gar?" Eleanor questioned, deciding his silhouette looked like her best friend. She hoped she wasn't being crazy from the desperation of wanting her 'little brother' to be alive. She really hoped she wasn't crazy like the doctors she used to see would say. She really hoped that it was Gar and that he was ok.

"Don't worry. He's just taking a nap."

The three turned around, their torches held to see the woman who spoke.

"Dick, Eleanor."

They turned to the boy again to see men surrounding his unconscious body.

"We've got the girl, too."

A small gasp leg Eleanor's mouth as they pulled a gun out on him. She didn't know what she expected them to do, and why them bringing out a gun was surprising.

She placed her torch in her mouth as she tied (and double tied) the hem of her dress around her waist, tucking the knot to be hidden to try and stop it coming undone.

She pulled her pocket knife from the holster and grabbed the torch from her mouth.

"I don't want to kill either of them, but if you make a move I will give the order." The woman explained, her eyes on the pocket knife. "And if you even try to use that I will kill those two as well."

Eleanor cocked a brow.

"Drop it, or he's as good as dead."

Eleanor scowled at her, throwing it down at the woman's foot. "Oops, slipped." She said, pulling a smile mocking her 'accidental' throw.

Before the woman could say anything in response, Kory stepped forward, an arm in front of her as she shielded Dick and Eleanor. Her eyes flashed green.

"Kory, wait." He said, placing a hand on her arm. "Gas lines. You'll burn us all up."

The three looked between Gar and the woman. With a tiny turn of her head the three were taken.

Eleanor put in a lot of control to make sure her intangibility didn't play up. She'd get tortured if it meant the boy she called her brother was safe.

Family was everything to Eleanor and the tired girl would do anything for her family.

She was tied to a chair, her eyes drooping and face bloody. The man beating her hadn't gotten many hits as his arm or leg or weapon kept going through her, but eventually she became exhausted which lead to him actually managing to hit her.

She tried to keep awake, she tried to fight or fall through the chair — or at least teleport — but everything she tried to do was useless.

She had blood dripping from her bottom lip and her nose and a few bruises decorating her face. Her pink hair was was messy but still resembled a ponytail.

Her lip was pretty busted and she wasn't too pleased. She didn't want a busted lip to go with the silver lines that decorated her skin. Silver lines from training and from her uncle. Some she was proud off, some that told her she was weak.

She was sure her nose was broken. Or at least in a bad enough state that it felt similar.

Maybe she should get over her past in order to get some sleep so nothing like this happened again. But then again it wasn't as easy as that.

Panic flooded over her as wires were connected to her skin, metal clips pinching at her skin on her ears, base of her neck and wrists.

She screamed as surges of electricity ran through her body. The man who had beaten her had left her.

"Now, I wouldn't scream too hard, Eleanor Shelby, we're just trying to help."

"Fucking looks like it." She snapped, spitting out blood. She wasn't a fan of the metallic red thing in her mouth. "Totally fucking feels like it."

"Well, if you keep being a brat—"

"I'm a rich white girl!" Eleanor shouted back until a scream followed a wave of electricity. And soon enough she was unconscious, blood falling from her mouth and her chin resting on her chest.

Every time she showed signs of being awake — a flutter of her eyelashes, a change in heart beat or breathing, or her head moving — another surge of electricity would take over her body, and knock her out again.

Eleanor was unaware that when Rachel, Gar, Kory and Dick turned up she was shaking and unconscious. She was unaware when the man she grew up with had to carry her because there was no way he was waking her up from that state.

She was unaware of the guilt he felt as he stared down at the girl he had babysat as a teenager (with Nathan). She was unaware that Dick Grayson had never felt more guilty — except for not being there when she needed him.

He didn't know what happened those three years she lived with her uncle, but he knew it had to be something to make the remaining Shelby attempt to take her own life on so many occasions.

mad as daisies  ᵗⁱᵗᵃⁿˢOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora