10 | the mad man in the bathroom (tw)

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By morning the crew — minus Jason Todd — were stood around a table. They were listening to Rachel Roth try and persuade them to let her talk to the doctor alone.

"I need to talk to him. Alone." She told them.

Eleanor leaned her elbows on the table, pulling her pink hair from her face. She understood why Rachel wanted to do what she wanted to do, but she also worried for the teenager.

"Don't think that's a good idea."

"Why? Cause I can't take care of myself?"

"That's not the point."

"I need to find out who he is! Why he's chasing me."

Eleanor mumbled something under her breath. She wasn't on the mood to listen to everyone argue. She pulled out a chair, sitting down before adjusting her grey long sleeved dress — one of which had been paired with a pair of tights as well as her shorts from yesterday. She had opted out putting her heeled boots on for now. He feet were already feeling enough pain.

"I don't trust him."

"I'm not being funny, but Rachel can probably suck the life out of him. Why doesn't she go in and one of us stay outside of the bathroom as back up? He's handcuffed to the wall and we're probably a lot more powerful then he is." Eleanor pointed out, her eyes flickering between Rachel and Dick. "I'll even stand outside. You know me, I'm not gonna let harm come to Rachel. I can get in and out with her in seconds."

"Eleanors right. What's not to trust? The man's tied up. One word from Rachel and I'll put my foot through his face if Eleanor hasn't already."

"Dick, please."

Dick looked at Rachel, her brow twitched. He turned his attention to Eleanor. "Five minutes. Eleanor goes with you."

"Thank you."

Eleanor pushed herself out of the chair, following girl with blue highlights. She followed her to the bathroom before sitting on the floor outside. "Call my name, if you need me." She told the younger teenager, catching her arm before she could enter.

Rachel nodded before thanking the older teenager. She wanted to leave the door open, but had to close it when the man asked.

Eleanor didn't mind, she sat on the floor, her back against the wall, listening to muffled words as she kept herself occupied with her phone.

Rachel had been there for less then a minute when she shouted Eleanor. Fear radiating her voice.

Eleanor quickly got up and appeared in the room. Her eyes widened from the sight of Adamson bleeding out from his neck. She pulled Rachel back.

"He's dead." She told the girl, pulling her bloody hands to the sink.

"I-I didn't do it."

"I know." Eleanor promised, helping get the crimson blood from her pale hands, not caring that she was staining her light grey dress. Unlike Gar, Eleanor's bag had many upon many of dresses as they were easy to pack and basically all she wore. Along with her white tops and couple pairs of Nike pros or shorts styled the same. "He's insane, I believe you."

But when they looked back, the man was moving his head until there was no cut and his eyes were open.

Eleanor had put herself in front of Rachel. Her arm a barrier.

Adamson ran his hand over his throat where blood stained him and his clothes. He grinned up at Rachel. "You will heal the world."

Rachel stared down at her hands, where some blood still remained. The two ignored the sound of the tap.

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