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"Paul invited us to Emily's before our date," Rachel said, pulling the covers off my head. "It's 12:30. Fix your sleep schedule woman. I'm pretty sure Embry will be there."
I groaned and threw my arm over my eyes, not appreciating that she had turned on the light.
"Us? Or you?"
"Us," she insisted. "He asked for you to come too."
"Ugh. Do I have time to shower?"
"Yes," she answered. "But no makeup. And no hair dryer."
I groaned again. She held onto my legs and pulled, yanking me almost all the way off the bed.
"You're really annoying you know that?" I glared at her, hanging halfway off the mattress.
"I do know. I also know you'll thank me later," she continued, pulling me up and leading me by the elbow to the bathroom. "I know you want to see him again."
I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything, letting her slam the door behind her leaving me to my own devices. I sighed and turned on the water.
I showered quickly, putting my hair up in a bun as soon as I was out. I didn't have time to do much, so I scampered back to my room to get dressed. I pulled on a cropped long sleeve and joggers, spraying perfume everywhere before slipping on my sneakers and leaving.
"That wasn't that bad," Rachel mused, sitting on the couch with her feet kicked up. "I underestimated your abilities."
I scoffed and she laughed, twirling the car keys around her finger. She got up and we left, beginning the familiar route to Emily's house.
When we got there I had started to feel nervous again, not knowing entirely what I was getting into. Who would be there? What was I supposed to do when she left for her date? I assumed she was leaving the car with me. I'd kill her if she didn't. I didn't have time to voice my concerns because she hopped excitedly out of the car, bouncing on her heels as she waited for me.
Paul opened the door before we even got there, smiling like a loon.
"Hey guys," he greeted. I waved and Rachel said hi back, her voice cracking a little. I snorted at the sound and she elbowed me. He waved us in.
We sat down on the couch and Paul sat on the chair next to us, probably so he was close to Rachel.
I felt out of place, like I was the third wheel.
"Hey Jake," I perked up as a familiar face walked into the room. He smiled at me.
"Hey Ava," he replied. Embry followed in shortly after, messing around with a guy I didn't know. They pushed each other playfully and rowdily.
"Yeah Ava," Paul cleared his throat getting everyone's attention. Embrys eyes shot up at the sound of my name, quickly finding me. "It's good to have you here."
"Thank you," I said slowly, unsure of what to say.
"Ah Ava, the roommate," the unidentified man said, quickly walking up to the couch. "My name is Quil."
He scooped up my hand and kissed the back of it smoothly. Embry's big hand clamped down on his shoulder and Quil hissed out in pain; Embry's knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping him.
Quil dropped my hand and wiggled out of Embrys grip, rubbing his shoulder resentfully as he glared at him.
Beside him, Jake chuckled.
"This is the girl," he said and Quil raised his eyebrows.
"Oh this is the girl?"
"What girl?" I asked, looking between the three of them.
Embry looked mildly stressed out, relaxing a little when our eyes met. Jake and Quil exchanged looks.
"You're still a newbie," Jake's finally said, cracking a smile. "You're the woman, the myth, the legend. Fresh meat."
I rolled my eyes and turned back to Rachel and Paul, who hadn't stopped their conversation.
They were talking about movies that were playing and I realized quickly that they were planning their date. I smiled to myself, happy that things were going so good for her. She deserved someone who looked at her like Paul did; it was so pure and adoring. 
The boys continued to shuffle in then broke apart, splitting in different directions. Quil and Jake went straight to the kitchen; Embry hesitated before starting to walk over.
"Hey," he said quietly. I broke out into a smile unable to contain it; I was happy to see him.
He sat down next to me. "How was your night?"
"Slept like a baby," I shrugged. "Sleeping is one of my specialties."
"She really does have the ability to just pass out anywhere," Rachel chimed in and I laughed. "Couches, floors, chairs. Literally just does not matter."
Embry laughed beside me, and so did Paul.
"It's a blessing and a curse," I defended.
"I wish I could fall asleep as easily as you," Rachel admitted giggling.
We carried on like that for a while, the four of us talking easily. The boys came and went in and out the house; I was realizing they all had the same tattoo on their right arm.
What an interesting decision.
It wasn't that it was a bad tattoo, I just didn't understand why they all had it, in the exact same place.
After a while Paul stood up.
"Rachel and I are going to the movies," he smirked, helping her up and giving Embry a knowing look. "Don't wait up."
"I'll be back later," she assured, tossing me the keys. "Meet me at the house?"
"Sure," I said catching them mid air.
They both bid goodbyes and I noticed Paul was holding her hand as they walked out.
Embry and I sat in silence for a moment and I wondered what I was supposed to do- did I leave?
"Do you wanna hangout? Or something?"
Embry broke the silence and I looked at him, surprised.
"Sure," I said "Did you wanna come to my house?" I felt awkward hanging out here, not completely comfortable in this new environment yet especially without Rachel.
I think he sensed my discomfort because he nodded quickly, agreeing with me.
"Yeah. Cool. Cool."
I smiled and he stood up, offering me his hand. "You lead the way."
I accepted his hand and stood up, butterflies erupting when he didn't let go right away.
He gently let my hand go and we both turned towards the door.
"Bye Emily," he called over his shoulder. She watched us from the doorway with a smile on her face as I waved goodbye, and we made our way out the door.
"She seems nice," I commented as we walked to my car. I pressed the button on my keys to unlock it and we both slid in, pulling on our seatbelts.
"Oh she's the best," he answered. "Like an older sister."
"Do you have any sisters?" I asked, glancing in the rear view mirror as I pulled out of the driveway.
"Nope. Only child," he said. "What about you?"
"I have an older brother and a younger sister," I responded. "Elliot and Grace."
"So you're the middle child?"
"I don't have a complex," I defended and he laughed.
"Of course not."
Our conversation flowed nicely through the ride and before I knew it we were pulling into the driveway.
I got out of the car and he did the same, following me up the walkway. My keys jingled as I unlocked the door and I flicked the overhead lights on.
The living room lit up. There wasn't much of a mess considering Rachel and I both still hadn't unpacked all the way; a couple blankets were thrown on the couch and the sink was somewhat full but it was definitely still presentable.
"Welcome to our home," I said, turning around and spreading my arms open. "For the next 10 weeks at least."
Emotion flashed in his eyes before he covered it up with a smile, shaking his head as if to erase the thoughts in his brain like and etch-a-sketch.
"It's nice," he said, looking around the room. "I like it."
"Good," I laughed, kicking my vans off to the side. "You can sit down if you want. Anything to drink?"
"Sure," he said. He walked over to the couch and sat down where there were no blankets, sitting rigidly on the edge.
"We have juice, water, and coffee," I recited, leaning to rest my hands on the back of the couch. "What would you like?"
He paused. "Water's good."
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the 24 pack that sat on the floor, grabbing a glass for myself from the cabinet. I poured my apple juice and carried the two beverages back into the living room.
I tossed him his water bottle and moved one of the blankets, sitting a respectful distance from him.
"You can relax you know," I added and his posture slouched slightly.
"Is it that obvious?" he asked.
"No I get it, I'm like that in new places too."
He smiled and unscrewed the cap of his water bottle, bringing it to his mouth and chugging it until there was nothing left. I chuckled, bringing my own glass to my lips.
"Is that apple juice?" he asked and I nodded.
"What's your favorite kind of juice?"
"Probably cranberry," I answered. "But orange is a close second."
"I don't think I've ever had cranberry juice," he said thoughtfully.
"Next time I get some I'll share it with you," I said. He grinned.
"Sounds like a deal."
"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" I asked. He nodded, his eyes bright.
"We don't have cable, only netflix," I explained and searched for the small black remote. I pulled it from between the couch cushions, where Rachel had stuck it last.
I pressed a button and the tv came to life, showcasing netflix's home screen. Rachel and I shared an account; I clicked my profile and tossed the remote to Embry, who caught it without batting an eye.
"Nice catch," I commented smirking. He laughed.
"Thank you."
"You can pick what we watch," I added. His eyes grew wide.
"Putting all the pressure on me?"
"I don't want to do it," I laughed. "Pick anything, I'm down for whatever."
He sighed and flipped through the options. He finally settled on 21 Jumpstreet which happened to be my second favorite movie, right behind 22 Jumptreet. I was a simple person with simple tastes.
The movie played and my suspicions of us getting along well were confirmed; if I wasn't sure from the bonfire, I was definitely certain now.
"I would be such a good undercover agent," he commented.
"Yeah I'm sure," I laughed. He laughed with me, holding his hands up.
"I think I'd be good at it."
I shook my head. "I don't know about that one."
"Are you doubting my mad skills?"
I burst out in a loud laugh. "Yes, I am actually."
We were sitting closer now, having shuffled around to get comfortable throughout the duration of the movie. He bumped his shoulder with mine. "That's rude."
"Well I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me."
His smile faltered and he got somewhat serious, looking into my eyes.
"Honey I'm home, I-" Rachel threw the front door open and I looked up in alarm, the moment effectively ending between us. She stopped when she saw how close me and Embry were sitting. "Oh. Hey Embry, what's up?"
She was smoothing over, trying to seem nonchalant as to not scare him away. His eyes were slightly widened and lips parted; she had definitely caught him off guard.
"Hey," he managed to say, regulating his expression. He smiled. "How was Paul?"
She look taken aback at his question before letting a smile creep onto her face.
"He was good. You know how it goes," she was trying to play cool and it wasn't working. I snorted and she gave me a look.
"I'm going to my room," she announced.
We watched her leave down the hall, swinging her door shut behind her.
We sat in silence for a moment.
"I should probably get going," he said quietly. "My moms going to be wondering where I am."
I was reminded of the age difference once again at the mention of his curfew. I knew it was only two years but it felt like more, just because our lives were so different. Maybe I was the one overthinking it.
"I'll walk you out," I said pulling the blanket off my legs and stood up, offering my hand out to him like he always did to me. He smiled and took it, getting up without much assistance from me. I padded to the front door, opening it for him. He dawdled in the doorway, lingering around for longer than I knew he needed.
"I guess I'll see you around," he said and I nodded. "You should come to Emily's more often."
"Maybe I will."
He smiled at that, leaning down and quickly pressing a kiss to my cheek. And with that he was gone, disappearing down the walkway and then down the street. I watched as he walked, knowing he could probably feel my eyes on him. He turned around and winked at me and I felt my heart almost stop; I was definitely caught now.
I smiled and rolled my eyes at him, sucking back in and shutting the door. I let out a breath and leaned my back against it. What was La Push doing to me?

a/n: oooou Embry's making moves👀 i love them together sm. Vote if you want to :) and comment anything you want to see!

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