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"You have everything packed?"
I blew hair from out of my eyes and zipped my second suitcase, turning around and plopping down on it with a sigh of relief.
"Only a few more hours," Rachel said happily, clearly excited to see her family. It wouldn't be long before we were boarding the plane and touching down in Seattle making our way to La Push, her childhood home.
We had rented an airbnb for the summer in order for her to relish in memories of where she grew up, and 'heal the trauma' that was left behind from her mom which I fully supported. I was very proud- she had been avoiding this place like the plague ever since she lost her mom, and now we were on our way to live there. We were making the trip all the way from Florida, where we both attended college.
"Okay I think I'm good," she finally said, rolling her last case in. "Are you ready?"
"Never better."

The plane ride went uneventfully, nothing out of the ordinary happening. I, however, was terrified of flying and had taken a Xanax before boarding; I was still logged when her dad, Billy, and her brother Jake pulled up in a black truck to retrieve us from the airport.
She took my hand and led us towards them, dragging my luggage along with hers until she was close enough to run and hug her dad through the window. Jake got out of drivers seat, picking up our stuff and loading it into the back of his truck. He was pretty big muscle wise, and he carried our bags like they were nothing.
I stared at him as he smiled and approached me, holding his hand out.
"I'm Jake."
I stared at his hand for a beat before remembering I was supposed to shake it, hurriedly putting my hand into his. Rachel appeared beside me.
"Dad, Jake, this is Ava," she steered me towards her dad, cutting my response short. "It's nice to meet you," I said, my words a bit slurred. Rachel chuckled nervously behind me.
"She had a rough flight."
Billy smiled and shook my hand as well, his skin significantly cooler than Jake's. Or maybe Jake's was just really warm.
"It's nice to meet you," he said.
I smiled lazily. "It's nice to meet you too."
Rachel and I piled into the back seat, and off we went.
I don't remember much of the ride home but I do remember pulling up at our new place that we would now temporarily call home, for a glorious three month stretch filled with no school and no responsibilities.
I had only been here once before so nothing really looked familiar. Our house stood right on the beach, all the way down to one end where the woods started to connect.
I managed to stumble out of the car and up the driveway and into the house, shakily sticking my key in. This was only the second time taking Xanax in my life and I was certain next time I didn't need this high of a dosage. Still significantly drowsy, I made my way in.
Rachel stayed outside with her dad and brother, I imagined catching up.
I let them have their privacy, instead opting to search around our new house. Everything was clean and a combination of dark wood and light browns, making it very cozy. There were two identical bedrooms right next to each other, both with huge bay windows next to the bed that I knew would freak me out at night. I made a mental note to get curtains.
Rachel appeared behind me, smiling.
"We're going out to dinner later," she said. "Over at the diner. Sue owns it, she's a family friend."
I nodded and made a move towards my new bed, forgetting about my luggage entirely.
I don't remember falling asleep.

Well they're here.
So they aren't living with you, Sam clarified.
Nope they have their own place, I thought while beginning my route. My paws hit the ground as I took off, starting the perimeter. 
And they don't know already? Seth asked.
Rachel has no idea, and Ava has only been here once. I don't think she even knows the legends. 
Her friend.
It goes without saying we protect our secret, Sam reminded seriously. We're going to have to be extra careful as long as they're both around.
How long are they staying?
Three months, I said and there was a collective feeling of general displeasure.
We'll be fine, Sam said but it sounded more like an order. I'll fill the others in when I get back to the house.
His voice echoed in our heads as he phased out, leaving just Jared, Seth, and myself running.
Do you you'll be able to keep it from them? Jared asked and I knew he was only asking because Sam wasn't around.
Yeah, I said No problem.

By the time I woke up it was 7:30 pm, and I was still a little drowsy but a lot more clear now.
I looked around the room and took it all in, noticing my luggage set by the door.
"Rachel?" I called out, running a hand through my messy hair.
"Yes!" I heard echo through the mostly empty house.
I swung my feet over the side of the bed and stood up. Walking through my new room I made my way through the hall and into the kitchen, where Rachel sat at the counter eating hummus and carrots.
"Aren't we supposed to go to dinner?"
I leaned against the doorframe.
"I cancelled," she said. "I thought you were gonna sleep through the night."
"Me too," I groaned, rubbing my head. "That's the last time I take a Xanax."
"Until we take a flight again."
"Until we take a flight again," I agreed. "Are you sure you wanna skip dinner?"
"We're going with them tomorrow night instead, I told them we were jet lagged."
She got up from her stool and walked around the counter, squatting down and disappearing from sight for three seconds before popping up with a few grocery bags in her hands.
"I went to the store down the street. I got some of the basics."
"And hummus," I commented as she placed the bags on the counter. I walked over and started pawing through them, my stomach rumbling in the process. Thinking of it, I hadn't eaten since before the plane ride.
"Ah fruity pebbles," I cheered, holding the box in the air. "Where's the milk?"
She paused. I looked at her.
"I don't think-"
"How could you forget the milk?" I let out a loud laugh before lowering my voice. "No seriously, how am I gonna make cereal with out the milk?"
She laughed too, lowering her head in playful shame. "I don't know. I really just didn't think of it. Do you want to go back to the store?"
"Well I guess we have to now," I laughed. She followed me to the front door where both of our shoes were. I slipped on my pink juicy slides, hesitating at the front door when I realized we didn't have a car.
"We can just walk," she said. "It's literally just down the street."
I let her lead the way, our shoes hitting the slightly damp concrete with gentle slaps and shuffles.
It really was just down the street; not even a five minute walk, and you could see it from our houses since it was just a straight shot down.
The bell above the door jingled when we walked in, and the lights were bright and fluorescent. It wasn't a particularly big place but it wasn't small either.
We said hello to the cashier that was posted by the door and made our way through the aisles, looking for anything else we might need on our way to the dairy section. I grabbed a few items and realized quickly we should've gotten a basket. I struggled to balance everything in my arms as we finally approached the milk, Rachel taking the initiative and grabbing it for me.
"Thank you," I sighed and blew hair from in front of my face.
We paid for our items and left, back down the short path we came from.
When we got home I ate my cereal and took a shower, Rachel already passed out on the dark L shaped couch. She was snoring by the time I was done, so I tiptoed back to my room.
I put on shorts and a tank top for bed out of habit even though it was cold, so I snuggled up under the blankets I had piled up on myself. I drifted to sleep without much of an issue, howling in the distance pulling me to sleep.

From Florida With Love (Embry Call) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin