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When I woke up the next morning I felt stiff and a little sore, probably from sleeping so solidly for 12 hours; it was noon already. I sat up and stretched, pleasure rippling through my body and my sleepiness washing away. I popped my shoulders and before walking into the kitchen where, once again, Rachel was perched on a stool at the counter.
I had put a blanket over her when I got up to pee last night, and now it laid crumpled on the side of the couch.
"You should really fold that," I said, announcing my presence. She looked up from her phone.
"I'll get to it. Hello sleeping beauty."
"How long have you been up?" I asked, making my way over and rummaging through the fridge. I pulled out the milk.
"Since 10. Are you having cereal again?" she inquired and I shook my head.
"I'm making pancakes."
"Let me help you," she hurried over with a slight look of panic in her eyes. I rolled my eyes and continued to pull out the instant pancake mix, setting it on the counter and searching for a pan and utensils.
"It's only instant pancakes," I argued and she shook her head at me.
"I know how you are with the stove. I'm not letting you start a fire."
"I'm not that bad."
"You burned butter once," she pointed out and I huffed. "And that was last week."
"Fine, you do it," I surrendered my spatula and slid the box of powder toward her. "I'm just happy we're having pancakes."
After breakfast we ended up falling asleep again, still lagging from the plane. I woke up from my spot on the couch seeing Rachel on the other side of it, not too far from me.
I let her sleep and played on my phone for a while, comfortable in the silence and enjoying my decompression time. It was nice being alone without actually being alone.
A little while later she woke up, yawning and rolling her neck as she sat up.
"Good morning," she said. "What time is it?"
I glance at my phone. "5:30."
She patted around the couch. When she found her phone she brought it close to her face, reading intently, very clearly having forgot her glasses.
"We're getting picked up in an hour and then we'll go over to Sue's diner," she updated. I took that as my cue to get up and take a shower.
After I blow dried my hair I unplugged the hairdryer, setting it on the sink as I grabbed my brush out of my toiletry bag, which I hadn't unpacked yet.
"Ava?" Rachel yelled. "Where are you?"
"I'm in the bathroom getting ready," I called out, running the brush through my now dry hair.
I did my makeup quickly. 15 minutes later I was ready, slipping on my boots as I walked down the hall. I waited by the door for Rachel who appeared a few minutes later, also lacing up her boots.
"Jake's picking us up," she reminded checking her phone. "And he says he's pulling up."
We opened the door at the sound of his big truck, locking it behind us and making our way over.
"Hey Jake," I said quietly, climbing into the backseat and he held out his hand. We fist bumped as Rachel came into the passengers side, giving him a quick side hug before buckling up.
"How's everyone doing?" he asked as we drove, trees whirring past us in a blur of greens and browns.
"We're good," Rachel answered for the both of us. "Tired. Ava slept all morning."
"I did," I confirmed. "And I'll probably go to sleep as soon as we get home too."
Jake laughed. "We'll try not to keep you out too late."
"I don't think this baby can handle it," Rachel teased.
We came up to the house 10 minutes later, pulling into the driveway.
"You guys can come in," Jake said unbuckling his seatbelt. We followed his lead and walked up to the house; it had begun to drizzle a little, and I was glad I was wearing jeans and a long sleeve even though it was June.
We entered the Black household and Billy was right there in the living room, waiting for us. He has a warm smile on his face when he saw the three of us coming in. Rachel bent down to hug him and I squeezed his outreached hand as we smiled at each other in greeting.
Before we could say anything we were interrupted by a series of knocks.
"The guys are here," Jake mumbled shooting his dad a look that I didn't think I was supposed to see.
There was a beat of silence before Billy said cheerily, "Well let them in!"
Jacob went and got the door without saying anything, sliding it open and revealing a two large men standing at the back door.
"Welcome boys," Billy said.

a/n: Aaaah my first Embry Call fanfic. I'm so excited for this you don't even know :)

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