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I watched as the men shuffled into the house single file to fit through the small doorframe.
I stood awkwardly, crossing and uncrossing my arms, watching them greet each other. I knew I was going to be the odd one out on a lot of things going into someone else's home town, but that didn't make it any less awkward in the moment.
"Rachel, you remember everyone. Ava this is Sam Uley and Paul Lahote."
I smiled at the two men that stood in front of me; they both towered over me and I wasn't particularly short at 5'4. I offered a slight wave and they both gave small smiles, nodding their heads in acknowledgement.
"Nice to meet you," Sam said. Paul didn't say anything.
Rachel turned around and Paul looked up.
They made eye contact and just... didn't stop.
His entire face relaxed as he looked at her in adoration, which made me question who he was. I hadn't heard of either of them before, but that wasn't an uncommon theme around here.
Beside him Sam stared, his face neutral.
I bit my lip and felt a wave of awkwardness wash over me, feeling as if I was intruding on their moment somehow.
"Paul," Sam said, placing his hand on his shoulder. "You remember Rachel Black."
He nodded, still looking amazed. My eyes flickered to Rachel who was, less obviously, ogling at him too.
"Hi," he mumbled, slowly coming out of his trance. She giggled, and he smiled.
"Hey," she answered.
They just looked at each other for a few seconds before I heard Jacob's voice behind us.
"What the fuck Paul?" he said lowly, his voice almost growling.
"Jacob," Sam warned, looking between them. Paul looked stuck, a pained expression on his face as he shifted his feet.
"Jacob, Paul, outside. Now."
Paul looked disappointed but didn't say anything, while Jacob huffed and stormed outside. Sam pulled the door open and waited for Paul, who left with one last longing glance at Rachel.
"What the hell was that?" I asked.
"I don't know," she said dreamily. "But I want to see him again."
As it turned out, we didn't have to wait long at all because by the time we came back from the diner they were still there. Or Paul was, Sam was nowhere to be seen.
We had ended up going to dinner without Jake for reasons I honestly didn't know or understand, but I also knew it wasn't my business. We went to the local diner as Rachel had said, meeting her Aunt Sue and cousins who worked there, Leah and Seth.
When we came into the house Paul was sitting at the table with his hands folded, almost as if he was waiting for us to return.
As soon as we walked in the door he jumped up.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey," Rachel said softly, their eyes meeting again. Neither of them said anything and I once again felt like I was invading their privacy. I considered my options, weighing that it wouldn't be that long of a walk.
"I can meet you back at the house," I offered. She smiled at me.
"Here, one of the boys can drive you home," Billy said rolling forward, and before I could protest he was already calling over his shoulder. "Embry! Jake! Come take Ava home!"
Two tall men appeared, one of them being Jake. They both looked exhausted, dark circles under their eyes, and I instantly felt guilty knowing it was my fault for them having woken up.
Jake pushed past Rachel and Paul, ramming his shoulder into Paul's on the way out, and smiled at me tightly.
I smiled back softly and gestured for him to lead the way; I walked between the two boys as his friend trudged along, bringing up the rear.
We piled into Jakes truck and I sat in the middle. It was hot, and not in the way that you'd think.
It was physically warm, even with the ac on and the weather outside being a cool 60.
I didn't think much of it as Jake politely made conversation.
"Are you excited to be back?" he asked.
"You have a nice place here," I said and he smiled. "It does feel good to come back."
"That's good to hear. Rachel behaving in college?" he smirked and I laughed.
"Never that."
The one beside me, Embry, chuckled.
The rest of the ride passed without much event.
"Do you want us to walk you in?"
"No it's okay thank you," I said. Embry got out of the car so I could scoot out. My feet landed on the pavement and I pulled my bag over my shoulder, waving goodbye to Jake.
"Goodnight guys."
They both mumbled goodnight before I took off down the short walkway. I glanced over my shoulder and caught Embrys glance for the first time; he took my breath away. Literally. My heart sped up and he stared back at me, his dark eyes intense and almost dumbfounded.
Snapping out of it I smiled once again and waved, clumsily sticking my keys in as I kept staring. He didn't move, frozen.
I finally got the door open and fell in, tripping over my own feet as I walked through. My face flushed knowing that they both saw, and I slammed the door behind me letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
Shaking my head, I placed my keys down and went to my room, making sure to leave the front light on for Rachel. What a day.

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