14 | sleepover

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I made up my mind too barge into Jeongwoo's house since Haruto said he was feeling a little under the weather. I'm going to make a surprise visit after school, with his favourite snacks and some really good porridge! ( bought from the convenience store )

"What are you thinking about." Jaehyuk asked. 

"About barging into Jeongwoo's house after school." I smiled. 

"I'll walk back with you today since Jeongwoo's not around." Haruto offered.

"Hmmm....Okay?" I agreed and we walked home together.

"Do you want to follow me to Jeongwoo's house?" I asked. 

"I have to do some finishing touches to the song since Mashiho wants it by this week, so I can't join you." Haruto tilted his head slightly as he bid good bye.

"Well, then good luck on the song and tell me later on if there's any changes!" I waved good bye to him as he disappeared slowly from my sight.

"That's weird it's not Jeongwoo today?" Hyunsuk tilted his head as I entered.

"Were you watching me???" I sighed.

"sorry." Hyunsuk lowered his head as he brought food to me.

"I'm meeting Jeongwoo after this." I said as I munched on the food.

"How about your part-time job?" Hyunsuk questioned.

"I meant after that." 


"Is your arm better now?" I questioned since I realised that Junkyu's arm was not wrapped in bandages anymore.

"All better now!" Junkyu smiled as he held his arm up high.

"I'm so happy you're back to yourself!"

"Before I forget, do you want to follow me to Jeongwoo's house?" I asked as I arranged the beverages. 

"Why?" Junkyu asked. 

"He's sick so I just want to drop by."

"I see, then I'll come." Junkyu smiled as he packed the snacks and porridge for Jeongwoo.

"Jeongwoo likes the turtle chips." I pointed as Junkyu tossed it into the plastic bag.

"You really know him don't you..." Junkyu laughed.

"I'll close the convenience store early today." 

"Wouldn't the manager be mad though?" I whispered into his ear.

"He would never be mad." Junkyu smiled.

"How are you so sure?" I stared at him. 

"Because I am the manager, why did you think you could get hired without meeting the manager?" Junkyu laughed. 

"That's a good joke but I'm being serious here, wouldn't the manager murder us?" I gasped as I thought of what would happen to us once the manager knows.

"I'm not joking Hyeonhee." Junkyu pointed to the certificate that was hanging on the wall. At the end of the certificate, there was a signature with Junkyu's name on it that clearly stated that he was the manager.

"When was that there?" I gasped and stood up immediately.

"Sorry manager? Sir?" I immediately bowed 90 degrees in front of him.

"There's no need for that, just act like you always have. This was one of the reasons I didn't want to tell anyone. It feels like a burden." Junkyu sighed as he patted me on my shoulder.

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