01 | casted

217 9 2


"Choi Hyeonhee, wake up!!!!" My brother, Choi Hyunsuk barged into my room without knocking, did his manners drop somewhere on the way here?

"You're going to be late for school!" Hyunsuk shook my arm, but I was still in dream land and was too lazy too leave my precious bed.

After a while, I woke up with slightly messed up hair, my eyes couldn't even function properly, all I saw was a slightly blurry sight of my phone on the desk. I picked up my phone, unlocked it and saw the time. I had around less than 30 minutes left until the school bell makes a fuss.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I sighed and got off my bed hurriedly.

"I did like 5 minutes ago." Hyunsuk sighed.

"Make sure you have breakfast first before you head to school, I made it." Hyunsuk pointed at the table in the kitchen.

I rarely had breakfast ready, only when mom is home but since she's super busy with her new job, mom and dad are now working abroad and we haven't seen them for about a year or so. Yup I'm living with my brother but it feels like I'm living alone since he's never really home, he's got a job too.

I got ready in a few seconds and ate the sandwiches that he made.

"Do you want me to walk you to school?" My brother said as he starred in curiosity.

"Am I a 5-year old to you? I can walk to school by myself" I laughed and headed out.

"Yea right, you're going to walk to school with that guy aren't you?" Hyunsuk laughed.

I made my way to the bus stop, where is he? He seems to be late too. We're going to miss the bus. I plugged my earphones on and jammed to my favourite song while waiting for his figure to appear.

"That's weird you're earlier than me? Did you wait long?" Jeongwoo finally arrived.

"I was here like 20 minutes ago-"

"That's funny Hyeonhee, let's go." Jeongwoo snickered and pulled me into the bus.

Thankfully, the bus wasn't packed and we got some sweet spots. We sat beside each other like usual.

"What are you listening too?" Jeongwoo asked as he took one side of the earphone.

"YA-" I sighed and just let him be.

*song that's playing : 2 minus 1 - Seventeen*

We finally reached our stop and I could see the discipline teacher standing in front of the gate. I looked at my watch and about 5 minutes was left until the bell rings. Are we going to get detention again for being late? Come to think about it, we had around 5 minutes left till class starts so we're not actually late.

"Park Jeongwoo & Choi Hyeonhee." The discipline teacher called us.

"Yes!" We answered innocently, when we actually knew why he called us.

"Don't be late again, come a bit earlier next time, both of you." The teacher gave us a warning as he tapped his cane in his hand.

We smiled and walked in. We rushed to class and Jeongwoo walked in first.

"Park Jeongwoo & Choi Hyeonhee, late again." Our homeroom teacher, Mr Kanemoto Yoshinori a.k.a Mr Yoshi said as he waited for us to take our seats. Our classmates sighed, because of us we kept getting more demerits for the class.

"YA JEONGWOO! Stop coming to school so late." Jaehyuk slapped his arm.

I sat beside the window and Jeongwoo sat behind me, next to him was Yoon Jaehyuk. Every time we had free time before the teacher attends class, I would always face myself to Jeongwoo so that I could chat with him about the hot gossips that was going around our school or practically anything that makes us have a conversation. Well he's the only person I talk to because I get shy with my classmates, I never know how to start or continue the conversations with them.


"Hyeonhee, I can't walk home with you today, I have basketball practice with Jaehyuk. Sorry, I'll buy you something later as an apology." Jeongwoo waved goodbye.

I waved back and made my way to the school gate while starring at the floor, I didn't want to accidentally make eye contact with anyone. Someone tapped my shoulder. I flinched and stopped in my steps.

"Hyeonhee, it's me, Hyunsuk." Hyunsuk held my shoulder.

I sighed in relieve and walked back with him.

"Is this the same person who told me she wasn't a 5-year old in the morning and didn't want me to walk with her?" Hyunsuk chuckled.

"How did you know I had to walk back home by myself?" I asked as we were nearby home.

"Jeongwoo told me." Hyunsuk said.

Thank you so much Jeongwoo for telling him or it would have been hard for me to walk home alone, well you know what a scary place it is out there.

"Hyeonhee, you have to work part-time at the convenience store later right?" Hyunsuk handed me some snacks.

"You know about that too?"

"Of course, if not where else would you go everyday after school. I realized a long time ago."

"I'll head to the convenience store. Gotta earn some cash for us." I waved goodbye.

"That's my hardworking sister! anyways should I walk with you?" Hyunsuk offered.

"I think I'll be fine by myself. The convenience store isn't that far, someday I have too anyways." I smiled and headed out.

The streets was super busy, hundreds of people were walking around and I felt really small. I sighed and rushed over to the other side of the road where the convenience store was located.

"Hyeonhee, you're here." Junkyu smiled as he was arranging the packets of ramen on the shelves.

The other part-timer that shares the same shift as me is Kim Junkyu, he's older than me but he doesn't really act his age. He's really nice and my brother is friends with him. Oh also every time he's shift starts there would always be a swarm of girls walking into the convenience store, the rumor that's going on around said that he's the best-looking part-timer, hah.

"Is Hyunsuk still working on music?" Junkyu asked in curiosity.

"y-yea." I answered and arranged the items onto the shelves as well.

Our conversation ended, it's not like that everyday. We actually talk but not much because I just can't talk to guys or rather I say there's always people watching from the outside.


Our shifts were going to end which meant it's time for cleaning. I plugged in my earphones and blasted the song loudly as I hummed to it softly while mopping the floor. On the other hand, Junkyu was at the storage room checking on the stocks.

*song playing : Madonna - LUNA*

A customer walked in but I hadn't realised yet because I was too busy humming to the song until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"AAAAAA!!!!" I shrieked.

Junkyu rushed out and stood in front of me. The person who tapped my shoulder was standing in front of us with a piece of paper in his hand.

"What is this? I can see your voice?" Junkyu asked when the guy handed the paper.

"I'm Takata Mashiho, I work for I can see your voice. I'm a street caster and I would like to cast your friend behind you. I heard her humming to a song and I think she has potential to be on our show."

"That famous show! Hyeonhee you need to try it" Junkyu squealed.

"I see that's her name. I would like to cast her on our show." Mashiho smiled.

"Oh, if you get casted we will pay you an amount of XXX and if you win, you will also receive a gift." Mashiho added.

"XXX AMOUNT" Jeongwoo who suddenly appeared, budged in through the door.

"YOU SHOULD GO FOR IT!" Jeongwoo exclaimed as he rushed to Mashiho to fill in the form.

Author's note :


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