20 | finale

101 5 2

Round 2 ended off with a success once again. Contestants number 2 and 4 were tone-deafs.

"What a miracle! Your strike is still going on!" Jihoon was shocked as contestant number 4 was revealed as a tone-deaf.

Yedam smiled widely as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Get ready Hyeonhee, we have to get ready to face round 3." Haruto said as he adjusted his jacket and runned his fingers through his hair.

I starred at him and gulped.
( he looks really attractive, my eyes couldn't look away )

"Please get ready Round 3 is starting!" A staff announced as the remaining contestants walked out onto the stage.

Haruto held his arm out to me and I held onto it as we walked out together. I couldn't believe my eyes, BANG YEDAM was standing right beside us.

"Now we will proceed with Round 3." Doyoung said as he read out his script.

"In this round, Yedam will get a chance too ask each contestant a question and they have to answer the truth." Jihoon continued.

"You can ask them now." Doyoung gestured.

Yedam was suspicious of each and every one of us. He starred at us and I got a bit flustered because a world star is right in front of me and he has doubts about us....

Yedam proceeded to ask questions to the contestants and soon it was our turn to answer.

"I'm sure I've seen this guy before. He looks oddly familiar." Yedam said just before he asked the question.

"Are you sure Yedam or is it all in your head?" Jihoon let out a comment.

"Fine, I have a feeling~ but I have no idea what to ask them." Yedam sighed.

"Ask where they first met each other! So that we can know if they're a real couple or not!" One of the panelist suggested.

"I'll just go with that since I have no idea what to ask."

"Both of you have to answer at the same time." Doyoung announced.

I looked over to Haruto and my eyes shook with confusion. I searched through every file in my mind but I couldn't simply answer that we met at the broadcasting station... On the other hand, Haruto looked really calm.

"3....2......1" The countdown started and we needed to answer at the same time.

"the convenience store" I shut my eyes and softly spoke out.

"the convenience store" I heard Haruto answer with confidence.

I opened my eyes and looked over to him and he smiled back.

"Seeeee they are a couple!" The panelist kept justifying.

"Is it a coincidence? but i'm sure i've seen the guyyyyy~" Yedam whined while starring at Haruto.

"End of the session. Now we'll proceed with Round 4."

"Who will you sing a duet with?" Doyoung and Jihoon were both anticipating for Yedam's answer.

"This is going to make everyone angry but i'll pick contestants number 6." Yedam said as he stood up from his seat.

I looked over to Haruto and he had a small smirk on his face.

"Come on, let's go." Haruto whispered into my ear and we stood beside Yedam.

"You're not a real couple are you?" Yedam couldn't wait no more as he was starring at us.

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