04 | YG entertainment

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"Meet me at YG entertainment." I read the text that I received from Haruto.

"Let me see it too." Jeongwoo tried to take a peak at the message.

I pushed him away so that he couldn't look at the message. He sometimes can be a bit bothersome. Why did I even bring him with me, wait I didn't? He's the one that insisted to follow me everywhere.

"Why did you even want to follow me?" I stopped walking and so did Jeongwoo.

"u-uh, it's because umm it's dangerous if a guy and a girl meet each other." Jeongwoo stuttered.

"That doesn't make sense." I sighed and continued walking.

"So where are we meeting Haruto?" Jeongwoo kept asking.

I pointed to the tall building that was in front of us. It looked really expensive, I mean it's YG entertainment what did I even expect. Jeongwoo kept rubbing his eyes, he was shocked.

"Why are we meeting at YG?" Jeongwoo asked with his mouth hanging out.

"Haruto's a YG entertainment trainee." I answered.

"How did you know?"

"I texted with him a few times, so I know."

"YOU WHAT-???" Jeongwoo couldn't believe his ears.

I ignored him and walked into YG. Can I really just walk in without having like a letter or something. Is this legal? I looked around and there was no sight of Haruto.

"We might bump into a celebrity!" Jeongwoo jumped around excitedly.

I walked around while admiring the decorations and achievements that were displayed at the lobby until I bumped into something.

"Owww" I groaned and held my forehead.

I looked up and it was Haruto.

"Sorry." I apologised.

"Watch where you're going next time." Haruto smirked.

"You're alone? Jeongwoo's not-" Haruto didn't get to finish his sentence.

"I'm here!" Jeongwoo rested his arm over Haruto's shoulders.

"ahhh, he's here..." Haruto let out a small sigh.

"Can you really bring strangers into the company?" I questioned softly as some staffs passed by and they gave us some looks.

"You're not a stranger. As long as you have business with me, it's fine. I asked my manager and he said it was fine as long as we don't get into trouble." Haruto answered and we headed to one of the vocal practice rooms.

The studio was kind of small and I felt a little bit uncomfortable because we were sitting very near to each other. Perhaps if Jeongwoo didn't come along it wouldn't feel so crammed but if he didn't it would be awkward between me and Haruto since this is only the second time we met each other face to face.

We practiced for a while and slowly I got a tinsy bit comfortable with Haruto, well only like 5% I guess. It can't be like this the whole time, I need to make an effort and become more comfortable with him or we can't show a good stage later on.

"I still haven't chose the song yet, so if you have any recommendations you can tell me." Haruto said as he jotted down some notes onto a piece of paper.

"Okay." I replied simply, I couldn't get a hang of making eye contact with him.

"Hyeonhee" Haruto said and he suddenly held my chin up to face him. He looked into my eyes but I tried my best to look away. My eyes were shaking and my face quickly turned red.

Jeongwoo who just woke up from his nap quickly put his hand in between us. Jeongwoo grabbed Haruto's hand and pushed it away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HYEONHEE!" Jeongwoo shouted furiously.

"I was teaching her the first lesson which was making eye contact with your partner but she can't seem to do it." Haruto sighed as he pulled his hand away from Jeongwoo's.

I got out of the room and held my face that was burning up. How could Haruto daringly hold my chin and stare into my eyes like that? Is he crazy or something? Why is my face even burning up and why is my heart not beating like normal right now?

Jeongwoo stormed out of the room and grabbed my wrist but Haruto also came out of the room and held my wrist.

"Hold on, I have something to say to Hyeonhee." Haruto said.

"Say it here." Jeongwoo said as he wanted to listen to it too.

"We'll practice again next week and please calm down your friend." Haruto smirked as he went back into the room.

"Let's go." Jeongwoo dragged me by my wrist.

I was still in shock, how can Haruto do that and talk to me like nothing happened.

Surprisingly, Jeongwoo dragged me to the convenience store I was working at. Junkyu stood in front of the door starring at us while we headed in.

"Hmmm? Why did you come so early? It's not your shift yet." Junkyu mumbled as we headed in, neither is Junkyu's shift now. I guess he's replacing for one of the part-timers.

"Why are we here." I asked.

"To buy ice cream for you." Jeongwoo sighed as he paid for the ice cream.

"What's going on?" Junkyu asked as he was curious since Jeongwoo looked grumpy.

"He's just a bit pouty that's all." I smiled as we sat at one of the table's outside. Jeongwoo was munching angrily on his ice cream.

It's been a long time since I've seen Jeongwoo acting like this. The last time he was like this was when we were 9 years old, a boy stole my crayons, we were kids back then but Jeongwoo was furious. He was sulky the whole day and didn't even speak to that boy for a whole month.

I starred at him and a small laugh came out because those memories came back to me. Soon Jeongwoo smiled to because he heard me cracking a small laugh.

"The next time you're meeting that guy, I'm not going to sleep again." Jeongwoo pouted.

"You're following me the next time too?" I laughed.

"Of course, I must or he'll do something weird to you." Jeongwoo shrugged.

I laughed because he seemed like a small boy whining because he didn't get what he wanted.

Can I really do anything without him?

Author's note :

skskskksksks furious Jeongwoo is here. I mean like can you even imagine how cute he would be when he's pouty skskksks, btw I'd black out if Haruto did that to me like bruh, my heart wouldn't stop beating fast.

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