44. This too shall pass

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"You're ruining all our plans." Ga-in snarled, her hand firmly gripping Jaehwa's neck, as Hobi's gripped Jang-hwan's.

"P-plans of killing y-your son and n-nephew too?" she choked, and Ga-in smirked. 

"Kid, you're really smart, I don't know how you've guessed, but you're right. Just missing a tiny detail." 

Ga-young sat on the floor, her eyes trained on the crumpled paper in her hand, when she shot Jaehwa a calm and cold look. 

"Where's my son?" she asked her, when the door burst open, Hoshi and Taehyung walking in, armed with guns in each hand. 

"Let go of her, now." Taehyung instructed, pointing his gun towards Ga-in, who let Jaehwa go. Jaehwa coughed, trying to regain all the oxygen back in her body, before shooting Ga-in an incredulous look. 

"I can't believe you." Hoshi spat, looking at his mother on the ground. 

"You killed Hana, and now me? Wow." he said, before pulling his mother off the ground, gun still aimed at her. 

"I'm not as cruel as you are. Know that." he said, before tying her hands up, asking Jaehwa to do the same to Ga-in, when Jang-hwan groaned. 

"JAEHWA YOU'RE RUINING YOUR OWN LIFE! REMEMBER THAT!" he exclaimed, making her chuckle. 

"I know everything. I've done enough digging around." she spat, before shooting the man in Hoseok's hold, falling dead in his arms. 

"I've had enough of him." she said, before throwing the gun on the ground, Hoseok walking up to her before engulfing her in a hug. 

"This too shall pass." he whispered, before standing up, leaving the tied up women on the floor with Taehyung guarding them. 

"And what was that tiny detail?" Taehyung asked Ga-in, who just chuckled. 

"You think I'm just gonna tell you?" 

"Suit yourself." Taehyung shrugged, before shooting her foot, making her yelp. 

"If you think we're the kind of people who don't hurt women, you've got us wrong. Bad people, remain as bad people." Taehyung snarled, when Jaehwa burst in, panting hard. 

"B-bring the two of them. Now." she said, pulling Ga-young up before pushing her towards the door, gun in hand. 

"Move. Fast, or it'll cost both your lives and ours." Jaehwa panted, pushing Taehyung and the two women out, asking them to run as she ran with them, only turning around to look at the place in ashes. 

"H-how?" Taehyung gasped, and Jaehwa rubbed her temples in frustration. 

"Turns out, that was the tiny detail." she said, giving the two sisters side eyes. 

"W-what about Mr. and Mrs. Kang?" Hoshi asked, suddenly appearing with Hoseok by his side. 

Jaehwa smirked, looking at them with a sly look. 

"You know, my dad was a very bad man, and the only person who knows him better than me is my brother." he said, and Ga-in chuckled. 

"Yeah right. As if your brother is gonna miraculously come from hell." she rolled her eyes, Jaehwa laughing at her words. 

"Oh sure, he'll walk from hell as if he owns it." she said proudly, her eyes moving at the sound of a motorcycle making its way in the place. 

"Nikha nikha, " she says in Chinese, clapping her hands at his grand entrance in his black and red motorcycle, the colors of red. 

Ga-in's eyes widened, and she turned to look at the smirking Jaehwa. 

"H-how? You ruined all our plans in a matter of days, who are you? I-I know for a fact that Jang Hwan was a coward." 

"Well.. " 


Ahaha, I had lots of fun editing and rewriting this chapter you guys, made me laugh even though I killed a character here xD 


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