10. You don't know me

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Breathing as softly as possible, she walked further, her hand close to the silhouette of her gun tucked behind her. 

"Jimin coming towards you, do something, quick." she heard Hoshi mumble quickly.

"Shoot. His leg." she ordered, tucking herself into a nook in the mansion. 

And in a matter of milliseconds, Park Jimin was shot, wailing as he clutched his bloody leg. 

"Woah woah woah, Jimin." she heard someone speak. 

"Hyung, someone's attacking." he told Yoongi, who just got up, taking the gun out of his jean as he poked his head out the window, his gun in his hand.

"Okay, now, slip away." Hoshi spoke, and she nodded to herself, slowly slipping away, grimacing at the sight of Jimin's bloody legs. 

"Hoseok's still in his room. Distract him. Shoot his window." Jaehwa ordered, and the next minute, the sound of shattering glass was heard. 

"Hoseok's coming out, hide." Hoshi ordered, and she walked to the side, hiding herself behind a bookshelf. 

"Who the hell- " she heard Hoseok curse, and she smirked, before rubbing her ear piece to alert Hoshi. 

"He's gone, I've shot the front door too. Slip into his room. Get it done ASAP, his laptop isn't locked." Hoshi spoke, and she slipped in, tucking her gun into her pant, she bent down to look at the desktop, plugging in a flash drive before typing in a few codes Hoshi taught her, making the whole desktop's copy onto the flash drive. 







Smiling in satisfaction, she pulled the drive out, "Delete the surveillance babe, we're all set." she spoke, before slipping out the same window she came in with. 

"Watch out. Taehyung coming in, 3 o'clock." he spoke, and she nodded, before walking the opposite direction, jumping into a gap between the walls. 

Seeing him pass by, she rubbed her ear piece again, "Actually, can you stay there?" she asked Hoshi, who frowned. 

"What's wrong?" he asked her, and she chuckled softly. 

"I wanna use that rifle, it's been damn long." she said, slowly slipping out the gap, jogging up the stairs to the rooftop where Hoshi was. 

"Enjoy." Hoshi teased, giving her space to sit. 

And that made her giggle, as she sat in his place, her eye looking through the rifle's scope, and she smirked. 

Hoseok was back to lazing in his room. 

Moving the gun, she aimed it at his vase, hitting it right at the foot of the table, the whole table crashing down to pieces. 

Hoseok jumped up, startled at the shoot for the second time in a row, and stuck his head out the window once more, only to see nothing. 

And then, Jaehwa aimed for the glass right next to his face, his face scarring at the impact. 

"Yup, that should do it." she mumbled, before packing the equipment up, high-fiving Hoshi as they made their way back down, only to be stopped by the one and only. 

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked them, and they just shrugged. 

"What is it to you?" she asked him, as she placed a finger on the latter's forehead, pushing the taller man backward, as she made her way out the gate. 

But in a swift moment, he swiped his dagger out, holding Hoshi in a headlock. 

"Oh, we're playing that game now?" she asked him, tilting her head. 

"You know you're acting a lil too smart, right?" Yoongi teased, making her laugh. 

"You know what, you can't kill him." she stated, pulling her gun out, as she aimed it Yoongi's head. 

"You think so?" he asked, slightly amused. 

"It'll be too late, by the time that blunt knife manages to scar him, you'll be dead." she said, tilting her head with a smirk on her fact. 

"Oh sweetheart, you don't know me." he chuckled, making her scoff. 

"That means you don't know me either." she spoke, before shooting his arm, pulling Hoshi out of his grip, as the two walked away untouched, the bangtan member left groaning on the concrete, clutching his bloody hand. 

"Don't shoot." Hoseok spoke, placing his hand over Taehyung's shoulder, looking out the small window between the trees.

"You asked me to snipe her. What now?" he asked dejected, making Hoseok shake his head. 

"That's just- wow." Hoseok mumbled, looking at her swiftly shooting Yoongi and walking away. 


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