11. Mapping

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"That felt nice." Jaehwa spoke, rolling her shoulder as she walked into the living room, placing two cups of coffee on the table, sitting next to the working Hoshi. 

"Yeah, I know. But right now, we need to plan more than this." he said frowning, hitting the keyboard furiously. 

"What's wrong?" she asked him, and he sighed, picking up one of the mugs. 

"Firewall. Apparently, they've a lock on their important files." he told her taking a sip, and she nodded. 

"What's the character limit?" 

"6." he said, and she chuckled. 


"Nope, not in."

"Okay last option, type in, STOBIT. Stop with a 'b' and no space between the two words. Trust me." she said, making him surprised. 

"How did you you that? We're in." he said, rubbing his palms. 

"They're a bunch of monkeys who keep their passwords according to memes." she said chuckling, making him laugh. 

"Okay, I'm in. What's your plan now?" he asked me, cleaning on the couch. 

"Okay, my plan is very simple, but at the same time, very very complicated." 

"We're starting off the day after tomorrow, let's take a break till then." she explained, and he nodded, taking his notebook out. 

"First things first, we check their surveillance every now and then for any suspicious activity." 

And that was how the duo sat there, mapping out their plan till past midnight, finally falling asleep on the couch, cuddled up like babies. 


Short update, I know :(

Kinda busy these days, but I'm finding time to write, don't worry :)

Exams and assignments are flooding my inbox, so yeah, expect short updates, but I'll be sure to give you guys some extra-special content! 

What do you think of Hoshi? Yay or Nay?


Vote. Comment. Share. 

~VH :)

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