21. Burnt

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"Hoseok speaking, who is this?" he asked, clearing the mess on his table with his phone in between his ear and his shoulder. 

"Sir! We have bad news. Our factory in Gwangju has been raided." the man said hurriedly, making him drop his books. 

"What- Why isn't the security strong huh? I thought I trusted you guys with this. Taehyung!" he called Tae, hanging up and walking to the hall in a rush. 

"Taehyung get off your phone!" he yelled, making him startled. 

"Hyung? What is it?" he asked, dropping his phone in his pocket. 

"Gwangju branch, we've been raided." Hoseok said, suiting up with everything, making Taehyung's eyes widen. 

"Turn on the freaking siren Hyung, you can't go around yelling." he said, pulling the lever on the siren, making everyone run to the living room. 

"Okay, before y'all ask questions, Gwangju branch has been raided. Get in the car, I'm driving." Taehyung says quickly, sitting on the driver's seat while Jin questioned, "Why can't I drive?" 

"You drive to slow Hyung." he said with a smirk, before pressing on the gas, the car moving in a monstrous speed. 

"Dude slow down!" Jungkook snarled from behind, making Taehyung scowl. 

"Dude? Seriously?" he asked, moving as fast as possible and stopping in front of their special underground subway. 

"Get out all of you, now!" Namjoon hollered, running into the subway, and it started moving. 

"Any clue who would've done it?" Jimin asked, seating himself in front of the others. 

"Oh I know who it is. And she's gonna pay for it." Hoseok snarled. 

Meanwhile, the two of them were having fun, literally.

"Wow, these people do have nice shipment. 80%  purity, not bad man." Hoshi spoke, looking through the stuff they raided. 

"Okay ready for the highlight of the show?" Jaehwa asked him, and he chuckled, nodding at the remote in her hands. 

"3.. 2.. 1.. " she counted, before slamming her hand over the huge button. 

A huge explosion was heard, making the two of them crack into smiles. 

"Mission - 1, success." Hoshi spoke, fist bumping her before they drove off, right when Bangtan came, not noticing her car driving away. 

"Holy- " Taehyung started, his head in his hands at the sight of the explosion. 

"I'm gonna kill her." Hoseok gritted, looking at the ashes of the now burnt factory. 

It was years of savings, and this was their very first factory.

Memories, shipment, everything gone, all in one second. 

"Hoseok-ah calm down. We'll take care of this." Namjoon said, pushing him into the car and locking the door, leaving him to relax. 

But him? He was doing anything but relaxing. 

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he called Jaehwa, the number he found from Namjoon. 

"Im Jaehwa speaking, who is this?" said the voice from the other side, and it made it harder for him to feel angry at her. 

"How dare you?" he gritted, making her chuckle. 

"I've done a lot of things mister, may I know who you are?" she asked, and that chuckle made him relax for some reason. 

"Oh I'm the person who's factory you burned down today." he said, making her smirk. 

"So Mr. Jung, found out didn't you?" she asked him, making him furious now. 

"Shut up, okay? You just burnt down so many years of memories." he said, making her nod. 

"I wish I could say the same. But you killed my whole life. Not to mention the factory of mine you burnt down." she said, making Hoseok frown. 

"Your whole life? It's as if you're telling me I killed you." he said, making her shake her head, though he couldn't see her. 

"I won't ever let you forget that you killed my mother Hoseok. Remember, she meant more than that mere factory of yours." she said, before throwing the phone towards the wall, it breaking into pieces as it fell. 

Breaking down, she crouched on the floor, tears glistening in her serious face. 

Hoseok felt guilty. After all these years, he finally felt guilty, and couldn't help but tear up too. 

"What have I done?" he mumbled, dropping his head in distress. 

You killed my mother Hoseok. she thought. 


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